In this paper , a novel Magnetorheological ( MR) valve with a tunable resistance minimum 1 mm to maximum 2 mm was designed. In addition , a mathematical model of the pressure drop betweenthe inlet port and the outlet port for the proposed MR valve was developed. Magnetic simulation was and combined with the pressure drop calculation using the derived MR valve model. The valve geometric parameters , such as the valve body thickness , the winding groove depth and the large end of radiusof the valve sleeve on the valve performance were analyzed. The relevant results will provide the theoretical basisfor the MR valve size design and structure optimization.
磁流变阀是一种以磁流变液为工作介质的智能控制器件,其进出口压差可调且响应速度快的特点使其在减振抗震系统中具有广泛的应用前景。设计了一种典型的阻尼间隙为圆环流动式的圆环流磁流变阀,对其工作原理进行了阐述,同时推导了圆环流磁流变阀的压降数学模型。采用有限元法(FEM)和计算流体力学法(CFD)分别对圆环流磁流变阀的电磁场和流场进行了建模仿真,分析了不同电流下磁流变阀压降变化规律,仿真结果表明圆环流磁流变阀的压降随着加载电流的增大而增大,并且逐渐趋于饱和;同时采用FEM方法得到的最大压降为948 k Pa,采用CFD方法得到的最大压降为1 079 k Pa。搭建了圆环流磁流变阀压降性能试验台,对不同电流及不同负载下的磁流变阀压降性能进行了试验分析,并与仿真结果进行了对比,结果表明试验压降变化趋势与两种仿真方法得出的压降变化基本相符,试验测试得到的最大压降为662 k Pa。同时,试验结果表明外加负载对圆环流磁流变阀压降大小变化基本无影响。