A numerical analysis of mechanical behavior of aluminum alloy sheet under cyclic plastic deformation was investigated.Forming limit at fracture was derived from Cockcroft-Latham ductile damage criterion.The strain path of bending center of incremental roller hemming could be accepted as a kind of plane strain bending deformation process.Incremental rope roller hemming could be used to alleviate ductile fracture behavior by changing the stress state of the hemming-effected area.SEM observation on the fracture surface indicates that cyclic plastic deformation affects ductile fracture mechanism.
随着教育全球化的趋势,加强与国外教育机构的合作,是我国培养国际化高素质人才的必然要求。ASIIN(Accreditation Agency for Study Programs in Engineering,Informatics,Natural Sciences and Mathematics)是德国工程学科、信息科学、自然科学专业认证机构,它能够在比较快的时间内完成对客户的服务,并具有较强的国际影响力。《汽车检测与故障诊断》是一门重理论、强实践的专业课程,随着汽车技术发展而不断发展,需要我们不断进行教学改革探索,提高教育教学质量,以培养更多高素质的应用型工程技术人才。该文通过分析ASIIN评估标准,根据《汽车检测与故障诊断》课程设置目的,建立"理实一体"的教学模块,基于课程模块搭建课程体系,改革课程教学效果评价方式,对教学进行了改革实践。