In this experiment the Fowlpox virus (FPV) antibody of two groups of chickens were tracked for 20 weeks by indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). A group of chickens were artificial infected. B group were the control of healthy chickens. The results indicated that the positive antibody rate of A group reached 95% in 4 weeks. The high level antibody could last 10 weeks. After being infected again the positive antibody rate reached 100% in two weeks. The positive antibody rate of serum of some convalescent chickens infected naturally was 44%, and which of three groups from some farms that were vaccinated with pox vaccine were 60%, 70% and 10% respectively. The chickens whose antibody was proved negative changed from positive with the method were ill after they had been infected artificially. However none of the chickens whose antibody were positive suffered from the virus after they were infected artificially. In addition, the neutralization test shown the antibody of FPV might be used to treat pox disease.