西方国家经常宣扬男女平等和妇女解放,然而纵观西方报刊杂志,仅从语言的运用,读者就不难看出西方舆论宣传中的性别倾向到底位于哪一方。请看英语三大权威报纸之一的《每日电讯》报和一家大众化小报《太阳报》关于同一事件的报道: (1)A man who suffered head injuries when attacked by two men who broke into his home in Beckenham, early yesterday, was pinned down on the bed by intruders who took it in turns to rape his wife. (The Daily Telegraph) (2)A terrified 19-stone husband was forced to lie next to his wife as two men raped her