2020年10月10日6:40时,在云南省大理州无量山国家级自然保护区南涧管护局凤凰山鸟类环志站环志点(100°19′47″E,24°53′58″N,海拔2360 m)网捕到1只鸠鸽。该鸠鸽体型、形态与针尾绿鸠(Treron apicauda)雄鸟相似,但颈背部羽毛为灰绿色,翼上腕部具紫红色小斑块,腹部白色,尾下覆羽鲜黄色夹杂橄榄绿色。经查阅Pigeons and Doves(Gibbs et al.2001)、Field Guide to the Birds of Southeast Asia(Robson 2014),判定该鸟应为白腹针尾绿鸠(T.seimundi)。当日下午,环志工作结束后在野外放飞该鸟。
A survey of Ardeid nesting colonies in central Guizhou,southwestern China in May 2006,which covered about one-third of the area of this province,recorded a total of 1587 nests of five species,i.e.,Little Egret (Egretta garzetta),Cattle Egret (Bubulcus ibis),Chinese Pond Heron (Ardeola bacchus),Black-crowned Night Heron (Nycticorax nycticorax) and Grey Heron (Ardea cinerea) at 11 nesting colonies.The largest colonies were recorded at Fengyunyan and Yanfu resorts,the smallest one at Luobolin.The Little Egret was the dominant nesting species (49.7% of the total number of nests) and the Grey Heron was the least abundant (0.1%).All nesting colonies were located in the northern and central parts of Guizhou;no colonies were found in the Leigongshan area,the southern part of this province.The distribution of nesting colonies in central Guizhou appears to be affected by the relative composition of winter (wheat and vegetable) and summer (rice) crops during the breeding season (between late March and June).No colonies were found around farmlands with winter crops and most colonies were situated around rice paddies.The farmland use pattern is affected by rainfall.The summer crop is delayed if the rainy season starts late and the rainfall is light.Priority for conservation of the Ardeids in central Guizhou should be given to the larger colonies i.e.,Yanfu and Fengyunyan resorts.