The integration of remotely sensed data allowed the successful characterization of the mineral alteration zones of the Oudiane Elkharoub area in the Northeastern part of Reguibat Shield using image transformation techniques. As both chemical and geochemical analyses showed significant Au, Ag, Cu, Pb, Mn, Cr, Ni, Th and Y anomalies, it’s very interesting to apply the remote sensing and GIS in mineral resources mapping. The remote sensing is a direct adjunct to the field, lithologic and structural mapping, and more recently, GIS has played an important role in the study of mineralization areas. The integration of several evidential maps highlighted the plausible areas with high concentrations of chlorite, epidote, kaolinite, calcite, alunite, hematite, illite and sulfur among other key mineral alterations that reflect the intensity of hydrothermal effects and the probable sites of ore bodies. The methodological approach integrates geological information acquired from Aster and Landsat 8 OLI/TIRS (Operational Land Imager/Thermal InfraRed Sensor) images and a multi-criteria GIS analysis. The superimposition of various lineament and hydrothermal alteration maps and the consideration of precious and base metal indicators allowed the zoning of sites likely to contain mineral concentrations. Remote sensing becomes an important tool for locating mineral deposits in its own right, when the primary and secondary processes of mineralization result in the formation of spectral anomalies. Reconnaissance lithological mapping is usually the first step of mineral resource mapping. This is complimented with structural mapping, as mineral deposits usually occur along or adjacent to geologic structures, and alteration mapping, as mineral deposits are commonly associated with hydrothermal alteration of the surrounding rocks. Ground truthing and laboratory studies including XRD analysis were utilized to verify the results.
Ould Mahmoud HdeidYousra MorsliMohamed RajiZouhir BaroudiMalika AdjourKhaled Cheikh NebaghaZein El ArbyVetah Mohamed El MoktarIsselmou Brahim Vall
An earthquake called the MW7.2“El Mayor Cucapah”earthquake on April 4,2010 has been analyzed for seismic precursor.The changes in the lineament system concerning its pattern and time intervals were analyzed during the earthquake preparation period and occurrence using the automated lineament detection method.The Landsat 5 TM images were processed using LESSA and ADALGEO software obtaining similar results.The statistical analysis revealed the stress accumulation due to plate interaction during earthquake formation.The study shows that the number of extracted lineaments changes rapidly about 23 months before the earthquake,and the systems return to the initial stage after 23 months.Most lineaments coincide with the extension of the San Andreas Fault as NW direction is the dominant trend.Thus,it can be concluded that the featural changes within the Rose diagram corresponding to the different strokes direction along with oriented elongation lines as disclosed in the present study using satellite images could be identified as a mid-term and/or short-term precursors of the earthquake.However,even though the dynamism of the El Mayor Cucapah earthquake is found in the extracted lineaments,it is possible to isolate more significant earthquakes even if new ones appear near the zone.Moreover,using two algorithms for lineament detection allows for the tectonics to corroborate the obtained lineaments and dynamism.
In this study, filters are used to extract directional tectonic lineaments and, thus, to reveal the presence of faults or fractures in the satellite images. The extraction process consists first in eliminating other different types of lineaments (e.g. the lithological limit, ridgelines, hydrographic network, roads, etc.). Besides, a comparative and quantitative approach is applied to show that when the directional Prewitt filter has a zero setting of the opposite of the assumed direction, as is the case of the N-S direction, the East-West direction is also set to zero. This research work, based on a bidirectional filter (N-S;E-W), shows satisfactory results especially concerning the quantitative fluctuation of lineament directions by interval. This fluctuation is in perfect agreement with the lineaments provided by the digitizing of the different tectonic accidents directions extracted in a GIS environment from the geological map of Grombalia. In this research work, a quantitative approach was used to evaluate the result of the lineament extraction methodology based on one direction analysis and by an interval of directions. Indeed, the N45 lineament direction, well documented in the geological study of the region, was more clearly distinguished by applying the Prewitt filter than by using the Sobel filter. The result was validated by comparison with the results obtained by the digitization of the tectonic accidents mapped on the geological map.
In view of the importance of mafic dyke swarms and their contribution to current scientific problems relating to South China,herein,we present the findings of studies on twenty–five representative mafic dykes cropping out in Hunan Province and Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region,within the southern Wuling Mountain gravity lineament,China.These results include new zircon LA-ICP-MS U-Pb age,whole rock geochemical,Sr-Nd-Pb isotopic,and zircon Hf isotopic data for these dykes.The dykes formed between 131.5±1.2 and 121.6±1.1 Ma,and have typical doleritic textures.They fall into the alkaline and shoshonitic series,are enriched in light rare earth elements(LREE),some large ion lithophile elements(LILE;e.g.,Rb,Ba,and Sr),Th,U,and Pb,and are depleted in Nb,Ta,Hf,and Ti.Moreover,the dolerites have high initial 87 Sr/86 Sr ratios(0.7055–0.7057),negativeεNd(t)and zirconεHf(t)values(-14.8 to-11.9,-30.4 to-14.9),and relatively constant initial Pb isotopic ratios(that are EM1-like,16.77–16.94,15.43–15.47,and 36.84–36.92 for 206 Pb/204 Pb,207 Pb/204 Pb,and 208 Pb/204 Pb,respectively).These results indicate that the dykes were likely derived from magma generated through low-degree partial melting(1.0%–10%)of an EM1-like garnet–lherzolite mantle source.The parental magmas fractionated olivine,clinopyroxene,plagioclase,and Ti-bearing phases with negligible crustal contamination,during ascent and dyke emplacement.Several possible models have been proposed to explain the origin of Mesozoic magmatism along the Wuling Mountain gravity lineament.Herein we propose a reasonable model for the origin of these mafic dykes,involving the collision between the paleo-Pacific Plate and South China,which led to subsequent lithospheric extension and asthenosphere upwelling,resulting in partial melting the underlying mantle lithosphere in the Early Cretaceous,to form the parental magmas to the WMGL mafic dykes,as studied.
CHEN XiaoqingLIU ShenFENG CaixiaXU JingyanZHAO HuiboFENG GuangyingIan M.COULSONSUN JingguiFAN Yan
The Garoua Zone in North Cameroon, the subject of this study, is known to have undergone tectonic movements during the Cretaceous, but the zone's structural data remain poorly known.This study exploits the Bouguer anomaly to improve knowledge of Garoua tectonics structures.In order to characterize these structures, two methods are used: Euler's deconvolution method and the method of the horizontal gradient of the vertical derivative.Superposition of the Euler's solutions map for index N=1 with the map from the horizontal gradient of the vertical derivative method allows determination of gravimetric lineaments, interpreted as faults or as linear contacts, from which we deduce a structural map of the study area.Based on this map, we identify sixteen lineaments, of which we count eight as linear contacts and eight as faults.Among the faults, we denote one of depth between 4 and 8 km, five faults of depth ranging between 8 and 13 km, and two faults of depths between 13 and 36 km.Analysis of these faults shows that the seven deepest faults might present a natural risk in our study area.For purposes of civil protection, such deep faults should be monitored and taken into consideration in the implementation of large public works.The structural map, established herein from data on the in-depth extension of each fault, thus increases scientific knowledge in the area that can be used to site public works in ways that reduce risk.
Kokea Ariane Darolle FofieFidèle KoumetioJean Victor KenfackDavid Yemele