本实验对黑腹果蝇种组(melanogaster species group)中8个种亚组33个样品两个线粒体基因ND4和ND4L进行了测序,并分析了ND4基因的序列差异和碱基替换特点,发现近缘物种中存在很明显的转换倾向,而在远缘物种中由于重复替换导致转换数处于饱和状态,我们的实验数据证实了线粒体基因较核基因有较快的进化速度。最后根据D.melanogaster与D.yakuba的遗传距离推算了8个种亚组的分化时间,ananassae种亚组最先分化,然后依次是montium,melanogaster,fic-sphila,eugracilis,elegans,suzukii和takahashii最后分化。
The relationships within Drosophila melanogaster species group are controversial from morphology, chromosomes and DNA sequences. This study utilises a molecular approach aimed at uncovering the phylogenetic relationships among 33 taxa representing 8 subgroups of D. melanogaster species groups. Mitocondrial ND4L-ND4 was sequenced in the all 8 subgroups covering a wide geographic area. MP and Bayesian analysis produced an identical tree topology with relatively strong support in most nodes. It reveals that the melanogaster species group clustered in three main lineages:1)montium subgroup; 2) ananassae subgroup; 3) Oriental subgroups ( melanogaster, ficsphila, eugracilis, elegans, syzukii and takahashii). The montium subgroup branched off first, followed by the ananassae subgroup. In the third lineage, melanogaster is the most divergent subgroup followed by ficsphila, eugracilis, elegans in that order. The suzukii and takahashii sister subgroups are the last to branch off.