Objectives: To report three cases of gonorrhea withspectinomycin treatment failure, and to analyze thepossible causes.Methods: Identification of the three Neisseriagonorrhoeae isolates was made by an oxidase test anda rapid carbohydrate utilization test. The sensitivitytesting was performed by an agar dilution method.Results: All three isolates were identified as Ngonorrhoeae strains by positive oxidase test andbecause they only utilized glucose in the carbohydrateutilization test. All three strains were resistant tociprofloxacin and susceptible to ceftriaxoneSpectinomycin-resistant strains were found in onlytwo of the three patients, including one penicillinase-producing N. gonorrhoeae (PPNG). The third patienthad a spectinomycin sensitive strain, which was alsoPPNG and tetracycline resistant (TRNG). Based onthe medical history, spectinomycin treatment failurefor the third patient was due to inadequate injection.Conclusion: The causes of spectinomycin treatmentfailure of gonorrhea include spectinomycin resistanceand inadequate injection.