本研究的目的是筛选出具有降解福美双功能的菌株,并对福美双的降解效果进行评价。通过选择性培养基的富集技术和梯度稀释法从不同烟叶样品和植烟土壤样品中分离筛选出311株农药降解菌株;通过摇瓶培养和高效液相色谱法从311个菌株降解菌中复筛得到5株降解菌。继续从降解福美双能力对5株菌株进行筛选,结果显示:5种菌株中FM84和FM197对福美双的降解率均达到了90%以上。采用16S r DNA序列分析结合细菌常规鉴定方法对菌株进行了初步鉴定,FM84为克雷伯菌属和FM197为肠杆菌属。研究表明,菌株FM84和FM197对福美双有较高并且稳定的降解能力。
Tobacco root-knot nematode disease has caused severe damage in Geng- ma County, Yunnan Province. In order to identify the pathogenic factors of the tobac- co root-knot nematode disease in this county, the pathogenic nematodes, hosts and environment of tobacco fields in Mengsa, Hepai and Sipaishan 3 main tobacco-grow- ing towns in Gengma County were investigated and analyzed based on the local re- lated field survey on tobacco root-knot nematode disease in this county in 2012. The results showed the incidence and severity of the tobacco root-knot nematode disease were all higher than those of previous years. dominant pathogens of the tobacco root-knot The species identification showed the nematode disease were Meloidogyne arenaria and M. javanica in Gengma County. The lacking of disease-resistant culti- vars, poor management and climatic anomaly were the main causes of the tobacco root-knot nematode disease in Gengma. According to the occurrence characteristics of the disease, the agricultural prevention-based control measures were proposed.