The immigrant Santosh,the protagonist in Naipaul’s One Out of Many,features strong loneliness and freedom-seeking desire.Psychoanalytical criticism is employed to interpret the inner world of the character Santosh based on close reading of the text.This would help readers deepen their understanding of Naipaul’s works and enhance the concerns about the psychic world of urban migrants.
The Call of the Wild是杰克·伦敦1903年发表的小说,讲述了主人公巴克由"狗"到"狼"的嬗变。很多研究以原型理论、生态批评等视角作为切入点对小说进行解读。从认知诗学的图形—背景理论分析了巴克作为主人公的形象如何得到突显,进而分析巴克从"狗"到"狼"的嬗变。运用认知视点的相关理论探讨了小说标题的两种译法,提出了"the wild"翻译成"野性"的理据,进一步突出了小说主题的多样性。