Cell-phone short messages in English possess special styles. Some are in a literary style, and others in a non-literary one. In the present paper, the stylistic features of English short messages are illustrated by applying the stylistic theory and employing the "Model of Analyzing Textual Function". The features of the two styles of messages are described and analyzed from the perspectives of their pronunciation, graphology, vocabulary, grammar, discourse, rhetoric, etc., and the stylistic features serve as the basis for discussing the translation principles and methods of English short messages.
Beautiful Smile and Love是特蕾莎嬷嬷于1979年领取诺贝尔和平奖时所做的演讲词,行文简洁质朴,随意自然,感人至深。文章结合演讲词的性质,基于文学文体学理论,从词汇、句法、语篇三个层面探讨BeautifulSmile and Love的文体特征。通过分析各个层面凸显的文体特色,阐释其蕴涵的文体意义和评价所产生的文体效果,以便更好地理解和鉴赏这篇演讲词的文学文体意义和美学价值,进而领悟特蕾莎嬷嬷所呼吁倡导的beautifulsmile和beautiful love的真谛。