The good curative effect of 93.86% was gotten in 98 cases of bony gonitis treated by the synthetical therapeutic ways from Prof.Li Yongkang.Tthe report indicated that the doctors should consider and test the physical sign of the patient with bony gonitis and the effect of the synthetical therapy was better than the simple therapy.
Gupi No .1(composed by Duhuo,Qinaghuo,Sangjisheng,Danggui,Xixin,Danshen,Honghua,Duzhong,Fuling,Xuduan,Weilingxian,Goujizi,Quanxie,Gancao,Wugong)was used to treat37cases of ankylosing spondylitis,one decoction for each day for30days of treating course.The total effective rate was91.8%