甲状腺结节指由各种原因导致的甲状腺内一个或多个组织结构异常的团块,多在触诊或超声检查中发现。目前治疗主要包括中医和西医治疗,中医治疗包括中药、中成药、针灸、穴位贴敷等,从调节人体的气血阴阳出发,辨证论治地进行治疗,根本上改善身体的内环境。西医治疗主要包括小剂量左甲状腺激素治疗、碘131放射性核素治疗、消融治疗、低位小切口治疗等,具有标准化的治疗方案,同时治疗方法多样、疗效迅速,效果通常较显著。现对研究概况作以总结。Thyroid nodule refers to the mass of one or more abnormal tissues in the thyroid gland caused by various causes, mostly found in palpation or ultrasound examination. At present, treatment mainly includes traditional Chinese medicine and western medicine, Chinese medicine treatment includes traditional Chinese medicine, Chinese patent medicine, acupuncture, acupoint application, etc. Starting from the regulation of qi, blood, Yin and Yang of the human body, the treatment of syndrome differentiation, fundamentally improves the internal environment of the body. Western medicine treatment mainly includes small dose left thyroid hormone therapy, iodine 131 radionuclide therapy, ablation treatment, low small incision treatment, etc. With standardized treatment plan, at the same time, the treatment methods are diverse, the effect is rapid, and the effect is usually significant. The overview of the study is summarized.