A new species, Chorthippus (Altichorthippus) choui sp. nov. from Sichuan Province in China, is described in this paper. The new species is similar to Chorthippus (Altichorthippus) changtunensis Yin, 1984, but it differs from the latter by: hind femur and tibia orange red, abdomen of male orange red at end and medial area of tegmen is 1.2 times cubital area. The new species is also similar to Ch. (Altichorthippus) tibetanus Uvarov, 1935, but differs from the latter by the lateral carinae of pronotum obvious and angulated in prozona, anterior and posterior transverse carinae not obliterated.
本文以普通齿蛉Neoneuromus ignobilis Navás,1932和单斑巨齿蛉Acanthacorydalis unimaculata Yang et Yang,1986为例,描述和比较了广翅目齿蛉科齿蛉属和巨齿蛉属的卵块及1龄幼虫形态特征。结果显示普通齿蛉与单斑巨齿蛉的卵块和1龄幼虫在形态上有着较大差异:普通齿蛉卵块约为单斑巨齿蛉卵块的3/4;普通齿蛉卵粒约为单斑巨齿蛉卵粒的2/3,卵粒都呈圆柱形,差异不大;普通齿蛉外层白色覆盖物厚度是单斑巨齿蛉的2-3倍。普通齿蛉卵块为单个附着在芦苇叶上,形状有4种类型,分别为椭圆形、螺形、卵圆形、圆形,在所有样本中其占比分别依次为47.1%、9.8%、17.6%和25.5%;单斑巨齿蛉卵块多为数个相连附着在桥底,卵壳薄且最外层卵粒向外翘起,使其表面如突起均匀地分布在卵壳表面。普通齿蛉1龄幼虫腹部背面白色的线状裸露区较稳定,且8对气管鳃靠近末端都有褐色和黄色的斑纹,而单斑巨齿蛉1龄幼虫腹部背面呈深褐色,腹部背面裸露区和颜色分布不稳定,气管鳃无花斑;两种1龄幼虫腹部两侧均都无毛簇。这些数据资料不仅丰富了广翅目昆虫的相关知识,而且为其产业化应用提供了参考。