The calli were induced from young embryo, shoot apex, young leaf, young inflorescences, and hypocotyl of silage maize (Zea mays). The inducing freguency of young embryo was higher than the hypocotyl, but the latter was not effected by season changes. The induction of calli were different in response to different kinds and concentration of hormones. Plantlet were regenerated from repetitive subcultured calli, among which three plant lines with characteristics of more tillers and early maturity were selected. Two of the plant lines with characteristics of more tillers and early maturity were selected. Two of the plant lines have become new inbred lines: 8501 and 8502. Through several generations of experimental hybrid combination “Baidan×8502” characterized by high silage yield, disease resistant, prolong green period and abundant tillers, has been obtained. The silage yield were 75000~105000 kg/hm 2 which accounted 40% more than the CK variety and commercial varieties.