By analyzing and studying a lot of weather charts and the weather condition of several typical cases,some kinds of unconventional high-altitude and ground weather situations whether the ground cold,warm front had the precipitation in Jilin area were summarized.The results showed that the temperature field was the main element field which affected the weather variation.The analysis and research on the movement condition of cold,warm air in the different temperature-pressure field configuration in the high-altitude was the key of frontal precipitation weather forecast.
利用网络技术,遵循TCP/IP协议,采用B/S结构的网络计算模式和SQL Server 2000数据库及数据安全保护措施,研制防雷业务综合管理系统。系统可提供防雷行政执法、新建建(构)筑防雷装置设计审核与竣工验收、防雷装置检测等方面相关信息的采集、整理,对防雷业务的各种用户信息资料进行远程传输及在线操作,可实现防雷业务综合管理的网络化、自动化和科学化。
Based on the radar data and lightning position indicator data of strong thunderstorm weather which happened in Fuxin on July 8,2007,the relationship between the lightning activity and the radar echo was analyzed.The results showed that Fuxin area located in the cross position of T-shaped trough and was affected by the cold air which continuously glided down.The corresponding warm front on the ground advanced southward and arrived here.It was the weather background of this thunderstorm weather.The position variation of lightning occurrence was closely related to the strong echo movement of squall line,and the velocity echo clearly reflected and predicted the movement tendency of the radar echo.