This is the second half of the remarksmade by Mr Zhang Baoming, Director General of the newly formed State Coal industry Bureau on theoccasion of the urgent meeting on reducing losses and increasing profits in the coal sector. Thecountermeasures proposed by the Burea’s leading Party group for eliminating coal enterprises’ worseningeconomic losses is to further deepen enterprise reforms, speed up the transformation of enterpriseoperation mode; increase enterprises’ economic profits at a reduced manpower i practise re-employmentbased lay-off and re-arrangement of manpower and cut down the number of redundant workforce; reducecoal production according to market demand and readjust the coal sector’s economic structure; fosterscientific advancement, strengthen enterprise management and tighten cost control and further tap coalenterprises’ potentials.
significant measures for a healthy development of coal industry in the new situation. On the occassion of a public servants re--arrangement meeting held on June 26, 1998, Mr. Zhang Baoming, Administrator of the State Administration of Coal industry disclosed these significant measures designed by the state government for the reforms of the coal industry.Introducing three-aspect significance of the measures, Mr. Zhang, the Administrator, also gives some explanations about the gist of the program to transfer the proprietorial rights to the lower levels.