In this paper, the effects of methmidophos and phoxim with different concentrations and schedule on soluble protein content and chlorophyl a (Chla) content in Porphyra haintanensis were studied under experimental and ecological conditions. The results showed as follows: (1) there were some time-effect and dose-effect relationships between the pollutants and Chla contents. The Chla content of most of groups decreased with the increasing of dose and prolonging of the exposure time. In the same concentration, the toxicities of phoxim to Chla content was stronger than that of methmidophos. (2) All concentration groups in this study didn’t show the significant time-effect and dose-effect relationships between pollutants and the soluble protein. And there was no significant difference of the soluble protein content among various groups.
用4种常用有机试剂丙酮、甲醇、乙醇与 N, N 二甲基甲酰胺(DMF)提取光合色素,通过高效液相色谱方法(HPLC)分析比较了它们对实验室培养浮游植物的叶绿素a及其衍生物、叶绿素b及其衍生物、叶绿素c1+c2、叶绿素c3、4种类胡萝卜素以及胡萝卜素的提取效果.结果表明:DMF色素提取效率最高,仅需1 h就能完全提取叶绿素及类胡萝卜素,而其它溶剂时间延至24 h仍不能完全提取;丙酮与 DMF均能较大地抑制叶绿素酶(chlorophyllase)的活性和脱植基叶绿素a的产生,而甲醇与乙醇在提取过程中容易促生成脱植基叶绿素a;V(丙酮)∶V(甲醇)=4∶1,提取色素中脱植基叶绿素a介于两者之间.DMF提取易产生较高比例的叶绿素 a氧化体(allomers)和异构体(epimers),且叶绿素 a氧化体随着时间延长而增多.从不同色素提取效果来看,丙酮对极性较小的色素提取效果较好,乙醇对极性色素提取效果较好,甲醇介于二者之间;而DMF对绝大部分色素均有良好的提取效果.