目的 检测慢性hcv感染者中血清淀粉样蛋白a(saa)和外周血单核细胞(pbmc)中saa-mrna的表达水平,初步探讨saa在慢性hcv感染者诊治中的临床意义.方法 采用elisa方法检测131例慢性hcv感染者和20例健康对照者血清saa水平,同时选取上述部分患者及健康对照者的血标本,通过rt-npcr方法检测pbmc中saa-mrna的表达水平.结果 (1)慢性hcv感染者saa水平明显高于健康对照组(t=17.14,p<0.01);(2)rt-npcr测得的saa-mrna表达水平与elisa测得的血清saa水平呈正相关(r=0.86,p<0.01).(3)saa与血清hcv rna的载量和血清alt检测无显著相关性.结论 慢性hcv感染者外周血saa表达明显增加,其含量与血清hcv rna的载量和血清alt水平无明显相关性.
objective to investigate the clinical significance of serum amyloid a protein in patients with chronic hepatitis c (hcv) infection. methods serum amyloid a (saa) levels were detected by elisa in 131 patients with hcv infection and 20 normal controls. the expression of saa-mrna in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (pbmc) was detected by rt-pcr from some blood samples of hcv patients and normal controls. results the saa levels in the patients with chronic hcv infection were markedly higher than those in normal controls (t = 17. 14, p < 0. 01 ). the expression of saa-mrna detected by rt-pcr was closely correlated with concentrations of saa measured by elisa ( r = 0.86, p <0.01 ). no correlation was found between saa expression and serum hcv rna titers, as well as between saa and serum alt in patients with chronic hcv infection. conclusion saa levels are increased in patients with chronic hcv infection, which is not correlated with hcv rna titers and serum alt levels.