过敏性休克是外界某些抗原性物质进入致敏机体后,通过免疫机制在短时间内触发的一种严重的全身性过敏性反应,多突然发生且极为严重,若不及时处理可危及生命。本文报道1例因双乳肿物,于全麻下行双乳肿物切除术,在麻醉诱导期出现过敏性休克,经过抢救后复苏成功并完成手术,通过回顾以往文献,总结抢救经验及休克纠正后并发症的处理提供参考。Anaphylactic shock is a severe anaphylactic reaction triggered by the immune mechanism in a short period of time after some antigenic substances from the outside world enter the sensitized body, which occurs suddenly and is extremely serious, and can be life-threatening if not treated in time. This article reports that a case of double breast mass resection underwent general anesthesia due to double breast mass, and anaphylactic shock occurred during the anesthesia induction period, and the recovery was successful and the operation was completed after rescue. Summarize the experience of shock rescue and provide reference for the management of complications after shock correction by reviewing previous literature.