目的:了解我国基于新媒体平台的慢性病药学科普现状,为运用自媒体增强慢性病药学科普传播效果提供思考与建议。方法:采用文献调研法收集有关新媒体进行慢性病药学科普的内容,从平台建设与团队组建、创作内容、表现形式、传播效果反馈等维度进行总结分析。结果:目前,我国医院慢性病药学科普新媒体平台丰富多样,由专业药学人员团队组建,创作内容主要集中于慢性病疾病管理、治疗药物信息、临床药学服务、用药提醒等方面。表现形式上,纯文字、图文、动画和视频四类形式的作品较多,传播效果受作品的形式、选题和内容专业性影响。结论:基于新媒体的慢性病药学科普能显著改善慢性病患者的疾病管理水平,建议在科普受众、运营传播及科普药师团队方面作进一步改进,提高新媒体的科普传播效果。Objective: To investigate the current status of pharmaceutical science popularization of non-communicable diseases (NCDs) based on new media in China and provide thoughts and suggestions for promoting the effects of pharmaceutical science popularization of NCDs with new media. Methods: The method of literature research was used to obtain the content of pharmaceutical science popularization of NCDs based on new media. The aspects of platform construction and team establishment, creative content, manifestation pattern and feedback of communication effects were summarized and analyzed. Results: At present, the new media for pharmaceutical science popularization of NCDs in China’s hospitals is diverse, and it is formed by a professional pharmacist team. The contents mainly focused on NCDs management, drug information, pharmaceutical care and medication reminder. In terms of manifestation pattern, works were mainly in four patterns: pure text, graphics, animation and video, and the communication effects were affected by the manifestation pattern, topic selection and content professionalism of t