This article is one of the research papers delivered at the ’96 Academic Annual Meeting 0f theArchitectural Society of China in November of1996’ The author expressed his views, from sever-al aspects such as the essential features and devel-opment of intelligent buildings and their architec-tural characteristics and environment, etc, that theconstruction 0f intelligent buildings sh0uld be con-sidered as of equal importance with that of residen-tial construction, which is a new point in thegrowth of building industry. It was also pointedout that:1. The development of intelligent buildings isclosely related with the econ0mic development invarious countries and regions.2. Such buildings have their unique character-istics in c0nstruction and interior environment andrequire higher investment than ordinary buildings.3. Their c0nstruction is an integration ofmany high and new technologies.4. They will pIay an immeasurable role in eco-n0mic development of the 21st century. The c0n-struction of intelligent buildings in our country isstill in its primary stage and has many problems.Their market is urgently in need of standardiza-tion. It should be studied, observed, investigated,coordinated and controlled so that intel1igent build-ings may be developed healthily and orderly. It ismore necessary to strengthen the management ofthose intelligent buildings with high investmentand high standard that are to be completed one af-te r an0ther. Intelligent buildings are a challenge tobuilding industry on one hand and a better oppor-tunity for building industry to develop on the other.