In July 1999, the Office of cultural relics and archaeology excavated 37 square meters of an early site inside the Ruzhou city. Large amount of porcelain sherds were yielded. Four sherds can be securely identified as the products of Imperial Ru kiln. In addition, a rammed earth foundation and drainage facility of early northern Song were recovered. This test esxcavation enables a preliminary understanding on the characteristics and cultural development of the site.
The Beiyangping site lies in the northwest of Lingbao, Henan, 20km west of the city proper, in the middle and south of the small Yangping plateau, and west of Beiyangping village. It occupies an area of 900,000 sq m. On the site are remains of the Miaodigou Ⅰ phase of Yangshao culture and the Eastern Zhou culture. The former include house-foundations, ash-pits and tombs. Among the unearthed objects are the pottery ding tripod, fu cauldron, stove, urn, vat, pot, cup, dish, turntable,stand, cover, ball, ring, spindle-whorl and human head, the stone axe, knife, arrowhead, ball, pearl and microblade, bone hairpin, spoon and awl, and horn awl. The remains of the Eastern Zhou culture comprise ash-pits and tombs, as well as the pottery jar, dou stemmed vessel and li tripod, bronze and iron belt-hook, crystal ring, and shell ornament.