白癜风属于色素脱失性皮肤病,主要特征为皮肤或黏膜出现白斑,此病有着复杂的病因,涉及多种因素,如遗传因素、自身免疫、氧化应激等。尽管现阶段尚未完全明确此病的发病机制,但中医药治疗白癜风的成效较为明显,现本文综述其中医药治疗的药理作用机制,供临床参考。Vitiligo is a depigmentation skin disease, which is mainly characterized by the appearance of white spots on the skin or mucosa. The disease has a complex etiology, involving many factors, such as genetic factors, autoimmune, oxidative stress and so on. Although the pathogenesis of this disease has not been completely clarified at this stage, the effect of traditional Chinese medicine in the treatment of vitiligo is more obvious. This article reviews the pharmacological mechanism of medical treatment for clinical reference.