Objective To observe the clinical efficacy of treatment of cervical spondylosis with acupuncture and cupping combined with chiropractic massage. Methods Thirty-six patients with cervical spondylosis were treated with acupuncture, cupping, and massage. Body acupuncture was taken as the principle, combining with balance acupuncture. Acupuncture was mainly applied at C1-C7 Jiaji with balance acupuncture at JTngtbng (颈痛) to stimulate them by needle sticking. When cupping was applied, flash cupping was applied first, then sliding-cupping, and retention cupping was applied finally. Eventually, chiropractic massage was applied. The treatment course lasted for 10 days, and the whole treatment lasted for one to three courses. Results Twenty patients were cured, 14 were improved, and ineffectiveness was seen in 2 cases. The total effective rate was 94.4%(34/36). Conclusion The curative effect of cervical spondylosis treated with acupuncture and cupping combined with chiropractic massage was definite.