A monolithic microwave integrated circuit (MMIC) power amplifier (PA) is proposed. It adopts a new on-chip bias circuit, which not only avoids the instability of the direct current bias caused by the change in the power supply and temperature, but also compensates deviations caused by the increase in input power. The bias circuit is a current-mirror configuration, and the feedback circuit helps to maintain bias voltage at a constant level. The gain of the feedback circuit is improved by the addition of a non-inverting amplifier within the feedback circuit. A shunt capacitor at the base node of the active bias transistor enhances the linearity of the PA. The chip is fabricated in an InGaP/GaAs heterojunction bipolar transistor (HBT) process. Measured results exhibit a 26. 6-dBm output compression point, 33.6% power-added efficiency (PAE) and - 40.2 dBc adjacent channel power ratio (ACPR) for wide-band code division multiple access (W-CDMA) applications.