- 作品数:3 被引量:5H指数:1
- 相关作者:尹炳柱李宏达尹正日张丽君陈秀琼更多>>
- 相关机构:延边大学更多>>
- 发文基金:国家教育部博士点基金国家自然科学基金更多>>
- 相关领域:理学更多>>
- MPTTF-succinamide conjugates and their TCNQ charge transfer complex based supramolecular gels with multiple stimulus responsiveness
- <正>Low molecular-mass organic gelators(LMOGs)have generated considerable interest during the past decade for t...
- Yu-Cun LiuBing-Zhu Yin
- 关键词:TTF
- 文献传递
- Design,Synthesis and Characterization of T-type Organic Conjugates Based on 3,6-Disubstituted Pyridazinotetrathiafulvalene Unit
- Among the various candidates of organic materials for optoelectronic applications[1],tetrathiafulvalene (TTF) ...
- Ningjuan ZhengBingzhu Yin
- Synthsis and properties of T-type organic conjugates based on 3,6-disubstituted pyridazinotetrathiafulvalene
- Among the various candidates of organic materials for optoelectronic applications,tetrathiafulvalene (TTF) is ...
- Ningjuan ZhengBingzhu Yin
- A novel organogelator based on pyridazinetetrathiafulvalene:synthesis and properties
- <正>Low molecular-weight organogclators(LMOGs),as a kind of new functional material,have received increasing at...
- Yanfeng DaiBingzhu Yin
- 文献传递
- Terminal side chains for improving the OFETs performance based on bis(tetrathiafulvalene)
- <正>Recently,TTF and its derivatives have been widely investigated for semiconducting materials.A number of exa...
- Wenwei LeiBingzhu Yin
- A highly selective colorimetric and turn-on fluorescent probe for cyanide anion
- Cyanide is extremely toxic to mammals with even a small amount of this species,leading to vomiting,loss of con...
- Hongda LiBingzhu Yin
- A water-soluble fluorescent chemosensor for Zinc based on Amidoquinoline derivative
- Zinc is the second most abundant transition metal ion in the human body and plays an important role in various...
- Xiaojing WuBingzhu Yin
- A highly selective colorimetric and ratiometric fluorescent probe for glutathione in the water
- <正>Biothiols,including cysteine(Cys),homocysteine(Hcy),and glutathione(GSH),play crucial roles in many physiol...
- Chang XuBingzhu Yin
- 文献传递
- 一种基于半菁染料的双重传感高选择性氰离子探针被引量:4
- 2012年
- 通过7-二甲氨基香豆素-3-醛和碘化1,2-二甲基吡啶季盐的缩合反应合成了一种半菁染料。在纯水体系中,半菁染料以吸收波长蓝移和荧光淬灭双重传感高选择性地识别氰离子。双重传感效应归因于氰离子对半菁染料的麦克尔体系的亲核加成引起的共轭链的断裂,中断了香豆素和吡啶季盐结构单元间的分子内电荷转移。
- 尹正日李宏达尹炳柱
- 关键词:香豆素分子内电荷转移
- Design,Synthsis and characterization of T-type organic conjugates based on 3,6-disubstituted pyridazinotetrathiafulvalene unit
- <正>Among the various candidates of organic materials for optoelectronic applications,tetrathiafulvalene (TTF) ...
- Ningjuan Zheng,Bingzhu Yin Key Laboratory of Natural Resources of Changbai Mountain & Functional Molecules,Yanbian University,Ministry of Education,Jilin 133002
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