The concentration, distribution, size-fraction structure and diurnal variation of phyto-plankton biomass ( chl α) in the Taiwan Strait were investigated during four cruises conducted in the summer (August) of 1997, 1998, 1999 and winter (February-March) of 1998, respectively. The results showed that phytoplankton biomass in the Taiwan Strait was largely influenced by water masses and up-welling, high biomass mainly occurred at the frontal zones. Nano-and pico-phytoplankton dominated the phytoplankton biomass and primary productivity in the Taiwan Strait, they contributed 60% - 80% to biomass and 80% to primary productivity. But size-fractionated phytoplankton biomass was quite different in the northern Taiwan Strait (NTS) and southern Taiwan Strait (STS), and varied significantly annually. Diurnal variation of chl α concentration in the water column and water layers indicated that phytoplankton biomass at most stations had one-day variation cycle, with some difference, which coincide with the tidal rhythm. The diurnal variation of the size-fractionated structure of phytoplankton biomass was strongly influenced by the hydrodynamics and grazing pressure of zooplankton. This study also showed that unusual phenomena observed in phytoplankton biomass during the investigating periods might be the biological response to ENSO events.