By using a diode-pumped Nd:YVO4/ KTP in-tracavity frequency-doubling mini-laser and frequency modulation optical heterodyne spectroscopy, we have obtained spectrum of 127l2 hyperfine structure near 532 nm. The laser frequency is locked to hyperfine transitions of I2. The analysis of error servo signal demonstrates that the laser frequency stability can reach 10-12 at 1 second average time.
BI Zhiyi, DING Jingxin, ZHENG Wenqiang, LUO Ming & MA LongshengDepartment of Physics, Key Laboratory for Optics and Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200062, China
Via saturated absorption spectroscopy and thethird-harmonic detection techulque, the hyperfine spectra of127I2 near 532 nm have been observed within the tuningrange of a mini Nd: YVO4-KTP laser. The laser is frequencystabilized against one hypeffine structure (hfs) component of127I2. The analysis of error signal shows that it is possible torealize a bouency stability of 3.0 × l0-l3 at 1 s avrmge time.
LIU Yanghui, LI Xiaoyong, Bl Zhiyi & MA LongshengDepartment of Physics, Key Laboratory for Optics and Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200062, China