To support the rapid automatic services composition and fulfill multi-quality of service (multi- QoS) demand, we propose a novel approach to realize services composition automatically by a prefihering process. Aimed at a set of web services with similar functionality and different quality of service (QoS) , a semantic services chain is given and a corresponding constructing algorithm is proposed to construct the data structure. A pre-filtering process is put forward to find whether a composition service before planning exists. It can avoid aborted planning. An optimal planning algorithm is proposed which can choose the most suitable service from a lot of similar candidate services based on semantic service chains and multi-QoS values. The algorithms can improve the correctness and automation performances of automated semantic web services composition. As an example, a concrete composite process is analyzed. Experimental results show the validity of the composite process.
Online fault detection is one of the key technologies to improve the performance of cloud systems. The current data of cloud systems is to be monitored, collected and used to reflect their state. Its use can potentially help cloud managers take some timely measures before fault occurrence in clouds. Because of the complex structure and dynamic change characteristics of the clouds, existing fault detection methods suffer from the problems of low efficiency and low accuracy. In order to solve them, this work proposes an online detection model based on asystematic parameter-search method called SVM-Grid, whose construction is based on a support vector machine(SVM). SVM-Grid is used to optimize parameters in SVM. Proper attributes of a cloud system's running data are selected by using Pearson correlation and principal component analysis for the model. Strategies of predicting cloud faults and updating fault sample databases are proposed to optimize the model and improve its performance.In comparison with some representative existing methods, the proposed model can achieve more efficient and accurate fault detection for cloud systems.