In this paper,three distributed and scalable nonuniform deployment algorithms in order to enhance the quality of monitoring(QoM).Mobile sensors are to be deployed around a target of interest which can be stationary or moving,and to approximate a given weight function which is a measure of information or event density.The first two algorithms generate nonuniform deployments by inverse-transformations from a uniform deployment.They handle the situations of global coordinate system which is available and not with appropriate assumptions,respectively.The third algorithm,which relocates sensors to adjust inter-node distances based on the local measurements only,is suitable for general cases.The simulation results demonstrate the proposed algorithms can achieve reliable and satisfactory deployments.
针对移动传感器网络(Mobile sensor networks,MSNs)中动态目标(事件源)的监测优化问题,为提高网络覆盖质量,建立基于Voronoi剖分的监测性能(Quality of monitoring,QoM)评价函数,提出基于群集控制的传感器节点部署分布式控制算法.每个节点在本地结合最小二乘法和一致性算法来估计目标相对位置.相比传统算法,本文算法只需本地和单跳通信(可观测)邻居的信息,从而减小通信时长和能耗.算法在提高以目标为中心的一定区域监测性能的同时,使全体传感器速度趋于一致,从而在尽量保持网络拓扑结构的同时减少了整体移动能耗.在目标匀速或目标加速度信息全网可知的情况下,全体传感器速度渐近收敛至目标速度,且监测性能收敛至局部最优.所采用的目标位置估计滤波算法计算简单、切实可行.