Objective The sediment provenances of the thick Quaternary Loess-Paleosol sequences of the Chinese Loess Plateau can provide clues to the evolution of the paleoclimate and paleoenvironment in East Asia.Furthermore,based on the proposed sediment sources and transport routes,the evolution of the East Asian monsoon can be evaluated.
GONG HujunXIE WenbinWANG JiadingZHANG RuiZHANG YunxiangYANG Lirong
Objective Aeolian sediments on the Chinese Loess Plateau contain some of the best continental archives of palaeoclimate change in the Late Cenozoic. The consensus that alternating MS in loess-paleosols in China was due to the strengthening and weakening of the East Asian palaeomonsoon provides an excellent climate record when correlated with global ice volume. Significantly, new basal dates from the red clay underlying the loess-paleosol sequence indicate that wind-blown dust began to accumulate on the Chinese Loess Plateau at least 22 million years ago. There are differences of opinion,