The lightest new gauge boson BH with mass of hundreds GeV is predicted in the littlest Higgs model. BH should be accessible in the planned ILC and the observation of such particle can strongly support the littlest Higgs model. The realization of 7Y and e^-γ collisions would open a wider window to probe BH. In this paper, we study the new gauge boson BH production processes e^-γ→e^-BH and e^-γ→e^-BH at the ILC. Our results show that the production cross section of the process e^-γ→e^-BH is less than 0.1 fb in most parameter spaces allowed by the electroweak precision data while the cross section of the process e^-γ→e^-BH can be over one fb in the favorable parameter spaces. With the high luminosity, the enough typical signals could be produced via e^-γ→e^-BH. Because the final electron and photon beams can be easily identified and the signal can be easily distinguished from the backgrounds produced by Z and H decaying, e^-γ→e^-BH is a promising process to probe BH.
在顶色辅助的人工色(TC2)理论下,在强子对撞机上研究了顶夸克-反顶夸克对的产生过程中顶夸克的极化效应,在计算过程中,运用了MRS set A’部分子分布函数和螺旋度投影算符的方法.研究结果表明:在Tevatron上顶夸克的极化效应太小不可探测;参数选取得当,该效应在LHC上可以探测到,其值可达16%.因此,顶夸克的极化效应提供了一种切实可行的检验顶色辅助的人工色模型的方法.
With the high energy and luminosity, the planned ILC has the considerable capability to probe the new heavy particles predicted by the new physics models. In this paper, we study the potential to discover the lightest new gauge boson BH of the Littlest Higgs model via the processes e^+e^- →γ(Z)BH at the ILC. The results show that the production rates of these two processes are large enough to detect BH in a wide range of the parameter spaces, specially for the process e^+e^- →γ TBH. Furthermore, there exist some decay modes for BH which can provide the typical signal and clean backgrounds. Therefore, the new gauge boson BH should be observable via these production processes with the running of the ILC if it exist.