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11 条 记 录,以下是 1-10
Post-acceleration study for neutrino super-beam at CSNS被引量:1
A post-acceleration system based on the accelerators at CSNS (China Spallation Neutron Source) is pro- posed to build a super-beam facility for neutrino physics. Two post-acceleration schemes, one using superconducting dipole magnets in the main ring and the other using room temperature magnets, have been studied, both to achieve the final proton energy of 128 GeV and the beam power of 4 MW by taking 10% of the CSNS beam from the neutron source. The main design features and the comparison for the two schemes are presented. The CSNS super-beam facility will be very competitive in long-baseline neutrino physics studies, compared with other super-beam facilities proposed in the world.
Transverse profile expansion and homogenization at target for the injector Scheme-I test stand of China-ADS
For the injector Scheme- I test stand of the China-ADS (Accelerator Driven subcritical System), a beam with the maximum power of 100 kW will be produced and transported to the beam dump. To solve the very high thermal load problem at the dump, two measures are taken to deal with the huge power density at the target. One is to enlarge the contact area between the beam and the target, and this is to be accomplished by expanding the beam profile at the target and using slanted target plates. The other is to produce a more homogenous beam profile at the target to minimize the maximum power density. Here the beam dump line is designed to meet the requirement of beam expansion and homogenization at 3 different energies (3.2 MeV, 5 MeV and 10 MeV), and the step-like field magnets are employed for the beam spot homogenization. Taking into account the fact that the space charge effects are very strong at such low beam energies, the simulations have included space charge effects and errors which show that the beam line can meet the requirements very well. In the meantime, the alternative beam design using standard multipole magnets is also presented.
Error analysis and lattice improvement for the C-ADS Injector-Ⅰ
The injector Scheme- 1 (or Injector- I ) of the C-ADS linac is a 10 mA 10 MeV proton linac working in C/V mode. It is mainly comprised of a 3.2 MeV room-temperature 4-vane RFQ and twelve superconducting single-spoke cavities housed in a long cryostat. Error analysis including alignment and field errors, and static and dynamic ones for the illjector are presented. Based on detailed numerical simulations, an orbit correction scheme has been designed, which shows that with correction the rms residual orbit errors can be controlled within 0.3 mm and a beam loss rate of 1.7× 10-6 is obtained. To reduce the beam loss rate further, an improved lattice design for the superconducting spoke cavity section has been studied.
A CW superconducting linac as the proton driver for a medium baseline neutrino beam in China
In a long-term planning for neutrino experiments in China, a medium baseline neutrino beam is proposed which uses a continue wave(CW) superconducting linac of 15 MW in beam power as the proton driver. The linac will be based on the technologies which are under development by the China-ADS project, namely it is also composed of a3.2 Me V normal conducting RFQ and five different types of superconducting cavities. However, the design philosophy is quite different from the China-ADS linac because of the much weaker requirement on reliability here. The nominal design energy and current are 1.5 Ge V and 10 m A, respectively. The general considerations and preliminary results on the physics design will be presented here. In addition, the alternative designs such as 2.0 Ge V and 2.5 Ge V, which may be required by the general design, can be easily extended from the nominal one.
Mismatch study of C-ADS main linac
The ADS accelerator in China is a Continuous-Wave (CW) proton linac with 1.5 GeV beam energy, 10 mA Imam current, and 15 MW beam power. To meet the extremely low beam loss rate and high reliability requirements, it is very important to study the beam halo caused by beam mismatch, which is one major sources of beam loss. To avoid envelope instability, the phase advances per period are all smaller than 90 degrees in the main linac design. In this paper, simulation results of the emittanee growth and the envelope oscillations caused by mismatch in the main linac sect;ion are presented. To meet the emittanee growth requirement, the transverse and longitudinal mismatch factors should be smaller than 0.4 and 0.3, respectively.
Study on collimation and shielding of the back-streaming neutrons at the CSNS target
The back-streaming neutrons from the spallation target at CSNS are very intense, and can pose serious damage problems for the devices in the accelerator-target interface region. To tackle the problems, a possible scheme for this region was studied, namely a specially designed optics for the proton beam line produces two beam waists, and two collimators are placed at the two waist positions to maximize the collimation effect of the back-streaming neutrons. Detailed Monte Carlo simulations with the beams in the two different CSNS phases show the effectiveness of the collimation system, and the radiation dose rate decreases largely in the interface section. This can ensure the use of epoxy coils for the last magnets and other devices in the beam transport line with reasonable lifetimes, e.g., thirty years. The design philosophy for such an accelerator-target interface region can also be applicable to other high-power proton beam applications.