The influence of pre-quaternary underlying terrain on the formation of loess landforms, i.e., the geomorphological inheritance issue, is a focus in studies of loess landforms. On the basis of multi-source information, we used GIS spatial analysis methods to construct a simulated digital elevation model of a pre-quaternary paleotopographic surface in a severe soil erosion area of the Loess Plateau. To reveal the spatial relationship between underlying paleotopography and modern terrain, an XY scatter diagram, hypsometric curve, gradient and concavity of terrain profiles are used in the experiments. The experiments show that the altitude, gradient and concavity results have significant linear positive correlation between both terrains, which shows a relatively strong landform inheritance relationship, particularly in the intact and complete loess deposit areas. Despite the current surface appearing somewhat changed from the original shape of the underlying terrain under different erosion forces, we reveal that the modern terrain generally smoothes the topographic relief of underlying terrain in the loess deposition process. Our results deepen understanding of the characteristics of geomorphological inheritance in the formation and evolution of loess landforms.
在高性能地学计算系统中,任务计算失败将会导致严重的后果,因此高性能地学计算必须具有可靠性保障。软件容错模型是提高并行计算容错能力的一种有效方法。针对传统基于检查点/回滚的容错策略存在资源浪费的不足,以并行地形分析为研究对象,基于软件容错模型提出一种基于邻域型算法的容错策略——N-ABFT(Neigh-boring-Algorithm Based Fault-Tolerant)。针对邻域型地形因子,该容错策略为并行程序划分出的各数据块增加冗余的校验行或校验列。最后,结合N-ABFT算法,提出一种容错调度算法,有效地提高了系统容错能力,降低了错误检测开销。