In this article, we characterize the boundedness and compactness of extended Cesaro operators on the spaces BMOA by the Carleson measures in the unit ball. Mea while, we study the pointwise multipliers on BMOA.
In this article, we borrow the idea of using Schur's test to characterize the compactness of composition operators on the weighted Bergman spaces in a bounded symmetricdomain Ω and verify that Cφ is compact on Lqa(Ω,dvβ)if and only if K(φ(z),φ(z))/K(z,z)→0 as z→ Ω under a mild condition,where K(z,w)is the Bergman kernel.
Let Ω be a bounded domain in Rnwith a smooth boundary, and let h p,q be the space of all harmonic functions with a finite mixed norm. The authors first obtain an equivalent norm on h p,q, with which the definition of Carleson type measures for h p,q is obtained. And also, the authors obtain the boundedness of the Bergman projection on h p,q which turns out the dual space of h p,q. As an application, the authors characterize the boundedness(and compactness) of Toeplitz operators T μ on h p,q for those positive finite Borel measures μ.
The Bloch-type space Bω consists of all functions f ∈ H(B) for which||f||Bω =sup z∈Bω(z)|△f(z)|〈∞Let Tφ be the extended Cesaro operator with holomorphic symbol φ. The essential norm of Tφ as an operator from Bω to Bμ is denoted by ||Tφ||e,Bω→Bμ. The purpose of this paper is to prove that, for w, ω normal and φ ∈ H(B)||Tφ||e,Bω→Bμ≈lim sup|z|→1μ(z)|Rφ(z)|∫0^|z|dt/ω(t).
We characterize the boundedness and compactness of the product of extended Cesaro operator and composition operator TgCφ from generalized Besov spaces to Zygmund spaces, where g is a given holomorphic function in the unit disk D, φ is an analytic self-map of Ii) and TgC~ is defined byTgCφf(z)=∫z 0 f(φ(t))g′(t)dt.