Studied in this paper are the attitude control law design and the output torque estimation problem of micro control moment gyros (MCMGs) for the agile satellites executing rapid attitude maneuver mission. An algorithm is proposed for estimating the output torques and the gimbal angular rates of MCMGs, which can help engineers to choose reasonable size for actuators so that the cost of satellite can be decreased. According to some special maneuver missions, a numerical example of attitude control system for a small satellite with MCMGs in pyramid configuration is studied, and the simulation results validate the proposed estimation algorithm.
To keep multiple missiles to fly in a formation, a robust controller for missile formation is designed. Based on the leader-follower formation mode, two formation relative motion models in different coordinate frames are established and compared. The three-dimension model built in a follower reference coordinate frame is chosen due to its control inputs decoupling, then this model is decoupled into three subsystems. For each subsystem a robust formation controller is proposed based on the disturbance observer and f'mite-time control theory when the external disturbance exits. The stability of the closed-loop system adopting the controller is proved theoretically. Simulation resuits show that the follower can foUow the leader and keep the desired formation despite the external disturbance, which validates the effectiveness of the proposed robust formation controller.
Based on the singular value decomposition theory,this paper analyzed the mechanism of escaping/avoiding singularity using generalized and weighted singularity-robust steering laws for a spacecraft that uses single gimbal control moment gyros (SGCMGs) as the actuator for the attitude control system.The expression of output-torque error is given at the point of singularity,proving the incompatible relationship between the gimbal rate and the output-torque error.The method of establishing a balance between the gimbal rate and the output-torque error is discussed,and a new steering law is designed.Simulation results show that the proposed steering law can effectively drive SGCMGs to escape away from singularities.