The acoustic properties of anechoic layers with a singly periodic array of cylindrical scatterers are investigated. A method combined plane wave expansion and finite element analysis is extended for out-of-plane incidence. The reflection characteristics of the anechoic layers with cavities and locally resonant scatterers are discussed. The backing is a steel plate followed by an air half space. Under this approximate zero transmission backing condition, the reflection reduction is induced by the absorption enhancement. The absorption mechanism is explained by the scattering/absorption cross section of the isolated scatterer. Three types of resonant modes which can induce efficient absorption are revealed. Due to the fact that the frequencies of the resonant modes are related to the size of the scatterers, anechoic layers with scatterers of mixed size can broaden the absorption band. A genetic optimization algorithm is adopted to design the anechoic layer with scatterers of mixed size at a desired frequency band from 2 kHz to l0 kHz for normal incidence, and the influence of the incident angle is also discussed.
应用了一种等效方法计算敷设声学覆盖层无限长圆柱壳体水下声散射特性.等效方法的核心是忽略复杂声学覆盖层内部的声学结构,将其作为具有等效材料参数的均匀阻尼层进行建模,该均匀阻尼层具有和原覆盖层相同的复反射系数.进而,应用COMSOL Multiphysics软件建立敷设均匀阻尼层圆柱壳体的有限元模型并求解其声散射特性.等效方法的关键是等效材料参数的获取.采用充水阻抗管实验和有限元数值实验两种方法获取声学覆盖层贴敷在与壳体具有相同厚度、相同材料背衬条件下的复反射系数,在此基础上,基于遗传算法反演材料的等效参数.研究表明,等效参数具有频变特性,且尽管等效杨氏模量和等效泊松比在频率范围内存在较大波动,但是等效前后复反射系数仍保持一致.为了验证等效方法求解壳体声散射特性的准确性,同时建立了敷设声学覆盖层壳体的完整有限元模型,将覆盖层内部声学结构进行精细建模,并求其声散射特性.结果表明,两种方法求得的形态函数符合得较好,在整个频率范围内平均误差大约为1 d B.
This paper presents a semi-analytical solution for the vibration and sound radiation of a semi-infinite plate covered by a decoupling layer consisting of locally resonant acoustic metamaterial. Formulations are derived based on a combination use of effective medium theory and the theory of elasticity for the decoupling material. Theoretical results show good agree- ments between the method developed in this paper and the conventional finite element method (FEM), but the method of this paper is more efficient than FEM. Numerical results also show that system with acoustic metamaterial decoupling layer exhibits significant noise reduction performance at the local resonance frequency of the acoustic metamaterial, and such performance can be ascribed to the vibration suppression of the base plate. It is demonstrated that the effective density of acoustic metamaterial decoupling layer has a great influence on the mechanical impedance of the system. Furthermore, the resonance frequency of locally resonant structure can be effectively predicted by a simple model, and it can be significantly affected by the material properties of the locally resonant structure.
Locally resonant sonic materials, due to their ability to control the propagation of low-frequency elastic waves, have become a promising option for underwater sound absorption materials. In this paper, the finite element method is used to investigate the absorption characteristics of a viscoelastic panel periodically embedded with a type of infinite-long noncoaxially cylindrical locally resonant scatterers(LRSs). The effect of the core position in the coating layer of the LRS on the low-frequency(500 Hz–3000 Hz) sound absorption property is investigated. With increasing the longitudinal core eccentricity e, there occur few changes in the absorptance at the frequencies below 1500 Hz, however, the absorptance above 1500 Hz becomes gradually better and the valid absorption(with absorptance above 0.8) frequency band(VAFB)of the viscoelastic panel becomes accordingly broader. The absorption mechanism is revealed by using the displacement field maps of the viscoelastic panel and the steel slab. The results show two typical resonance modes. One is the overall resonance mode(ORM) caused by steel backing, and the other is the core resonance mode(CRM) caused by LRS. The absorptance of the viscoelastic panel by ORM is induced mainly by the vibration of the steel slab and affected little by core position. On the contrary, with increasing the core eccentricity, the CRM shifts toward high frequency band and decouples with the ORM, leading to two separate absorption peaks and the broadened VAFB of the panel.