This paper is concerned with Hinformation fusion filtering for discrete-time systems with time-delay sensors b...
Jie Yan,Xiao Lu Key Laboratory for Robot & Intelligent Technology of Shandong Province Shandong University of Science and Technology Qingdao 266510,P.R.China
The measuring instrument which uses Sunplus SPCE061A MCU as the controller is a practical intelligent household heart rate meter.It can serve all people timely and effectively to detect the heart rate.It rings some voice alarm if the HRV is abnormal.Then it is decided whether to see a doctor at a convenient time for further diagnosis.The instrument has a feature of voice guidance that can save keyboard steps,which extends the scope of use.All people,old and young,the blind and the deaf,can use it by themselves.
This note is concerned with the H-infinity deconvolution filtering problem for linear time-varying discretetime systems described by state space models, The H-infinity deconvolution filter is derived by proposing a new approach in Krein space. With the new approach, it is clearly shown that the central deconvolution filter in an H-infinity setting is the same as the one in an H2 setting associated with one constructed stochastic state-space model. This insight allows us to calculate the complicated H-infinity deconvolution filter in an intuitive and simple way. The deconvolution filter is calculated by performing Riccati equation with the same order as that of the original system.
<正>The paper deals with the Kalman filtering problem for a Unear discrete-time system with both instantaneous ...
Xiao Lu~1,Jie Yan~1,Qiong Pu~2 1.Key Laboratory for Robot & Intelligent Technology of Shandong Province Shandong University of Science and Technology,Qingdao 266510,China 2.Mechatronic Engineering Department Shandong Agricultural Administrators College,Jinan 250100,China
The paper is concerned with Kalman filtering for wireless sensor network (WSN) with multiple multiplicative no...
Xiao Lu is with School of Control Science and Engineering,Shandong University,Jinan 250061,China Xiao Lu,Mingchao Li are with Key Laboratory for Robot & Intelligent Technology of Shandong Province,Shandong University of Science and Technology,Qingdao 266510,China Qiong Pu is with Mechatronic Engineering Department,Shandong Agricultural Administrators College,Jinan 250100,China
<正>This brief is concerned with robust Kalman filtering for wireless sensor networks with delayed measurements...
LU Xiao~(1,2),ZHANG Juanjuan~2 1.School of Control Science and Engineering,Shandong University,Jinan 250061,P.R.China. 2.Key Laboratory for Robot & Intelligent Technology of Shandong Province,Shandong University of Science and Technology,Qingdao 266510,P.R.China.
The combination of sensor and computer technology makes the measurement of various physical quantities easy, convenient and smart. In this article, a digital pressure gauge that is suitable for measuring liquid pressure is designed. The design of high precision digital pressure gauge uses pressure sensor as its foundation and uses ATmegal6 as its controller.
The paper is concerned with the Kalman filtering problem for linear discrete-time network systems with delayed...
Xiao Lu,Baodong Guo Key Laboratory for Robot & Intelligent Technology of Shandong Province Shandong University of Science and Technology Qingdao,266510,P.R.China