We report the measured results of the 200 nm—1000 nm characteristic spectral lines of target atoms when highly charged ions40Ar q+(6≤q≤14) with the same kinetic energy and40Ar6+ with different kinetic energies are incident upon Al, Ti, Ni, Ta and Au surfaces, respectively. The results for129Xe6+,129Xe10+ and129Xe15+ with the same kinetic energy (150 keV) incident upon a Ta surface are also reported. These results show that when the projectile and target are properly selected (40Ar12+ impinges on Al,129Xe6+ impinges on Ta), the spectral intensity of characteristic spectral lines of the target atom is effectively enhanced, and is not strongly dependent on the kinetic energy of the incident ions.
This paper reports the measured results of the 200 nm-1000 nm characteristic spectral lines of Al, Si and Ar atoms when highly charged ions 40Ar10+ are incident upon Al and P-type Si surfaces. The ion 40Ar10+ is provided by the ECR ion source of the National Laboratory of the Heavy Ion Accelerator in Lanzhou. The results show that when the low-speed ions in the highly charged state interact with the solid surfaces, the characteristic spectral lines of the target atoms and ions spurted from the surfaces can be effectively excited. Moreover, because of the competition of the non-radiation de-excitation of the hollow atom by emitting secondary electrons with the de-excitation process by radiating photons, the spectral intensity of the characteristic spectral lines of Ar atoms on the P-type Si surface is, as a whole, greater than that of Ar atoms on the Al surface.