This paper is concerned with the finite time blow-up phenomena for the vector nonlinear Schrdinger equations with a magnetic field which describe the spontaneous generation of a magnetic field in a cold plasma in the subsonic limit. After obtaining some a priori estimates,we prove under certain natural conditions that the solutions to the Cauchy problem of the vector nonlinear Schrdinger equations in two and three spatial dimensions blow up in a finite time. Assuming that a solution to the aforementioned vector nonlinear Schrdinger equations is radially symmetric with respect to spatial variables x,we show that if the initial energy is non-positive,then the solution blows up in three dimensions in a finite time.
Existence and regularity of solutions to model for liquid mixture of 3He-4He is considered in this paper. First, it is proved that this system possesses a unique global weak solution in H^1 (Ω, C ×R) by using Galerkin method. Secondly, by using an iteration procedure, regularity estimates for the linear semigroups, it is proved that the model for liquid mixture of 3He-4He has a unique solution in H^k(Ω, C × R) for all k ≥ 1.
In this paper,we prove that the solutions of magnetic Zakharov system converge to those of generalized Zakharov system in Sobolev space H s,s > 3/2,when parameter β→∞.Further,when parameter (α,β) →∞ together,we prove that the solutions of magnetic Zakharov system converge to those of Schro¨dinger equation with magnetic effect in Sobolev space H s,s > 3/2.Moreover,the convergence rate is also obtained.
This paper deals with blowing up of solutions to the Cauchy problem for a class of general- ized Zakharov system with combined power-type nonlinearities in two and three space dimensions. On the one hand, for co = +oo we obtain two finite time blow-up results of solutions to the aforementioned 4 ≤ p 〈 N+2/N-2 4 system. One is obtained under the condition a ≥ 0 and 1 + 4/N or a 〈 0 and 1 〈 p 〈 1 + (N = 2,3); the other is established under the condition N = 3, 1 〈 p 〈 N=2/N-2 and α(p - 3) 〉 0. On the other hand, for co 〈 +∞ and α(p - 3) 〉 0, we prove a blow-up result for solutions with negative energy to the Zakharov system under study.