In this paper, we study the single neutral top-higgs (h0) production processes at the CERN Large Hadron Collider (LHC) and the International Linear Collider (ILC). At the LHC, the production rates of processes pp →Z(W)h0 are too small to detect ht0. However, with the reasonable parameter values, the cross sections can reach the level of 102 fb for qq→qqh0process and 103 fb for top quark associated production process pp → th0 + X, respectively. At the ILC, we study the single top-higgs production processes e-y → veW-h0 and yy → W+W-h0 in e-y and yy collisions. It is found that the production cross sections can reach the level of a few t-b with reasonable parameter values. Furthermore, such processes with the flavor-changing decay mode h0 tO might provide typical signatures to detected the top-higgs. Therefore, it is hopeful to find the signal of top-higgs at the LHC and ILC experiments via theses processes and test the TC2 model directly.
In the framework of the left-right twin Higgs (LRTH) model, we study the possibilities to detect the new Z' boson at the Tevatron and LHC. First, using pp collision data collected by the DO and CDF II detectors, we find that the LRTH Z' boson is excluded with masses below 940 GeV. Then we search for signatures of the Z' boson at the LHC from the analysis of some distributions for pp --* It+g- + X, such as the number of events, the differential cross section of the dimuon invariant mass, the distributions of the transverse momentum and the forward-backward charge asymmetry. We do our calculation for two typical values of the LHC center of mass energy (7 and 14 TeV). The numerical results show that, by applying convenient cuts on some of the observables, the dimuon invariant mass and final particle PT distributions can reveal the presence of the heavy neutral gauge boson Z' contribution in the LRTH model.