采用多体动力学建模仿真程序Recur Dyn/Track构建海底履带式集矿机多体动力学模型,实现了海底底质特殊力学模型在集矿机多体动力学模型中的二次开发与集成。开展小型履带式试验样车行走性能测试,与相应二次开发多体动力学模型仿真结果相比较,进一步验证二次开发建模方法的计算准确性。基于多体离散元法,应用Recur Dyn Process Net平台进行二次开发,采用C#语言编写建立超长采矿管线多体离散元动力学模型的自动参数化建模计算程序。集成海底履带式集矿机多体动力学模型与采矿管线系统多体离散元动力学模型,实现了深海采矿整体系统的多体动力学模型集成构建与联动仿真,获得并分析联动过程各子系统空间运动状态变化、子系统间相互作用力变化等动力学特性,为实际深海采矿系统的整体集成设计、性能预测及作业操控提供了参考。
The bentonite-water mixture was selected as the substitute of seabed sediments according to the in-situ measurement data of sediments 15-20 cm deep in China's ocean poly-metallic mining contract area and the soft seabed sediments could be simulated with certain proportion of the bentonite and water; besides, based on the theory on the interaction between the vehicle and ground and referenced to Bekker's apparatus and related experimental methods, a scenario on the experimental system of the pressure-sinkage characteristics of interaction between the track of tracked vehicle and soft seabed sediments was designed. The pressure-sinkage experiments were performed with different dimensions of penetration plates. The "pressure-sinkage" model based on Bekker's formula and correlation parameters were obtained to describe the corresponding characteristics of the seabed sediments and a smart calibration model on the pressure-sinkage characteristic of the track was established based on the function chain neural network, which could provide boundary loading conditions for simulation analysis of the tracked vehicle moving on the seabed.