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作品数:5 被引量:12H指数:2


  • 5篇中文期刊文章


  • 5篇农业科学


  • 2篇玉米
  • 2篇MAIZE
  • 1篇疫病
  • 1篇突变体
  • 1篇农杆菌
  • 1篇农杆菌介导
  • 1篇转化玉米
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  • 1篇TRANS
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  • 1篇ZEA_MA...
  • 1篇A3
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  • 1篇中国农业科学...
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  • 1篇中国兽医科学


  • 2篇2018
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5 条 记 录,以下是 1-5
Overexpression of the Suaeda salsa SsNHX1 gene confers enhanced salt and drought tolerance to transgenic Zea mays被引量:9
Maize is one of the most important crops worldwide, but it suffers from salt stress when grown in saline-alkaline soil. There is therefore an urgent need to improve maize salt tolerance and crop yield. In this study, the SsNHX1 gene of Suaeda salsa, which encodes a vacuolar membrane Na~+/H~+ antiporter, was transformed into the maize inbred line 18-599 by Agrobacterium-mediated transformation. Transgenic maize plants overexpressing the SsNHX1 gene showed less growth retardation when treated with an increasing NaCl gradient of up to 1%, indicating enhanced salt tolerance. The improved salt tolerance of transgenic plants was also demonstrated by a significantly elevated seed germination rate(79%) and a reduction in seminal root length inhibition. Moreover, transgenic plants under salt stress exhibited less physiological damage. SsNHX1-overexpressing transgenic maize accumulated more Na~+ and K~+ than wild-type(WT) plants particularly in the leaves, resulting in a higher ratio of K~+/Na~+ in the leaves under salt stress. This result revealed that the improved salt tolerance of SsNHX1-overexpressing transgenic maize plants was likely attributed to SsNHX1-mediated localization of Na~+ to vacuoles and subsequent maintenance of the cytosolic ionic balance. In addition, SsNHX1 overexpression also improved the drought tolerance of the transgenic maize plants, as rehydrated transgenic plants were restored to normal growth while WT plants did not grow normally after dehydration treatment. Therefore, based on our engineering approach, SsNHX1 represents a promising candidate gene for improving the salt and drought tolerance of maize and other crops.
HUANG YingZHANG Xiao-xiaLI Yi-hongDING Jian-zhouDU Han-meiZHAO ZhuoZHOU Li-naLIU ChanGAO Shi-binCAO Mo-juLU Yan-liZHANG Su-zhi
Transformation of Two VP1 Genes of O-and Asia 1-Type Foot-and-Mouth Disease Virus into Maize被引量:2
The expression of antigens in transgenic plants has increasingly been used as an alternative to the classical methodologies for the development of experimental vaccines.This paper reports here the development of a novel oral immunization system for foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) in transgenic maize with two serotypes of the structural protein VP1 of the foot-and-mouth disease virus (FMDV) viz.,O-and Asia 1-type,respectively.The transgenic plantlets were identified and investigated by polymerase chain reaction (PCR),Southern blot,and real-time PCR.Moreover,it was found that the VP1 genes in transgenic plants could be transmitted stably to the next generation through PCR detection.To our knowledge,this is the first report in an attempt to induce a protective systemic antibody response in animals by feeding the transgenic plants in which two serotypes antigen protein of FMDV expressed together.Results of the experiment provide the possibility of using plant-based vaccines as feedstuff or feedstuff additives.
ZHANG Su-zhiZHANG Gui-lingRONG Ting-zhaoPAN LiZHOU PengZHANG Yong-guang
在玉米(Zea mays L.)自交系SCY的后代中发现了一个天然的玉米突变材料pk1,表现为籽粒顶端表皮大幅度开裂,致使胚乳外露,呈爆破状。该爆粒突变体果穗共有籽粒328粒,其中爆裂籽粒286粒,未爆裂籽粒42粒。该突变体不同爆裂籽粒与玉米自交系B73杂交后产生的后代群体中,出现爆裂籽粒和正常未爆裂籽粒2种类型,正反交差异明显。自交后代也出现爆裂籽粒和未爆裂籽粒2种类型。初步判断该爆粒性状是由显性双基因或多基因控制的果皮遗传。
Transcriptomic responses to aluminum(Al)stress in maize
Aluminum (AI) toxicity is a major factor limiting crop production and plant growth in acid soils. The complex inheritance of AI toxicity and tolerance mechanisms in maize has uncharacterized yet. In this study, the maize inbred line 178 seedlings were treated with 200 μmol L-1 CaCI2+0 μmol L^-1AICI3 (control) and 200μmol L^-1 CACI2+60 IJmol L^-1 AICI3 (AI treatment) for I and 6 h, respectively. The experiment was repeated three times. Then a detailed temporal analysis of root gene expression was performed using an Agilent GeneChip with 34 715 genes, only the genes showing more than 2.0-fold difference (P〈0.01) between the control and the AI treatment maize seedlings were analyzed further. Thus, a total of 832 different expression genes, 689 significantly up-regulated and 143 down-regulated, were identified after the seedlings were treated with AI for 6 h. And 60 genes, 59 up-regulated and one down-regulated, were also detected after the seedlings were treated for 1 h. Replicated transcriptome analyses further showed that about 61% of total significantly genes could be annotated based on plant genome resources. Quantitative real-time PCR (qRT-PCT) of some selected candidate genes was used to demonstrate the microarray data, indicating significant differences between the control and AI-treated seedlings. Exposure to AI for 6 h triggered changes in the transcript levels for several genes, which were primarily related to cell wall structure and metabolism, oxidative stress response, membrane transporters, organic acid metabolism, signaling and hormones, and transcription factors, etc. After AI-treated for 1 h, differential abundance of transcripts for several transporters, kinase, and transcription factors were specifically induced. In this study, the diversity of the putative functions of these genes indicates that AI stress for a short stage induced a complex transcriptome changes in maize. These results would further help us to understand rapid and early mechanisms of AI toxicity and t
XU Li-mingLIU ChanCUI Bao-mingWANG NingZHAO ZhuoZHOU Li-naHUANG Kai-fengDING Jian-zhouDU Han-meiJIANG WeiZHANG Su-zhi