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9 条 记 录,以下是 1-10
ENSO-Independent Contemporaneous Variations of Anomalous Circulations in the Northern and Southern Hemispheres:The Polar-Tropical Seesaw Mode被引量:1
Using the NCEP/NCAR reanalysis and the ENSO indices from the Climate Prediction Center over the period 1978-2014,we have investigated the contemporaneous circulation variations in the Northern and Southern Hemispheres by performing the singular value decomposition analysis of sea level pressure anomalies(SLPA) after the ENSO signal is regressed out.It is found that there exists a polar-tropical seesaw mode(PTSM) that characterizes with the out of phase fluctuations of SLPA between the polar and tropical regions in the Northern and Southern Hemispheres in boreal winter.This PTSM explains 47.74%of the total covariance of SLPA and is almost independent of ENSO.It demonstrates a long-term trend and oscillation cycles of 2-3 and 4-6 yr.The long-term trend in PTSM indicates that the sea level pressure gradually decreases in the tropics and increases in the polar region with time.This PTSM looks roughly symmetric about the equator besides the seesaw pattern of SLPA between the tropics and polar region in each hemisphere.The disturbances in the geopotential height field in association with the PTSM shows baroclinic features in the tropics whereas equivalent barotropic features in the mid and high latitudes in the troposphere.The anomalous thermal forcing in the tropical region is possibly one of the factors facilitating the formation of this PTSM.Significant global precipitation and temperature anomalies related to the PTSM are observed.In the positive PTSM phase,precipitation and temperature are higher than normal in southern Europe and the Mediterranean and surrounding areas,but lower than normal in northern Europe and Siberia.Precipitation is higher than normal while temperature is lower than normal in Northeast Asia.Significant temperature and precipitation anomalies possibly occur in the regions of western China,northern India,parts of North America,parts of subtropical Africa,Maritime Continent,and Antarctic.These results are helpful for better understanding of the circulation variations and the mechanisms
利用NCEP/NCAR再分析资料,本文研究了北半球冬季欧亚大陆-北太平洋区域海面与陆面上空大气质量的迁移现象(Migration of Atmospheric Mass over Regions between Land...
Using the 1979-2009 NCEP/NACR reanalysis data and precipitation records in East China, research is performed of the climatological features of low-frequency oscillation(LFO) in OLR over the Maritime Continent(MC) as well as their associations with precipitation disturbance in the eastern part of China. Results suggest that in the MC there is significant climatological low-frequency oscillation(CLFO) in outgoing long-wave radiation(OLR), with the intraseasonal oscillation(30-60 days) being the strongest for April-September, and the MC acting as a high-value region of percentage contributions of low-frequency OLR variance. On the low-frequency time scale there occur four events of more intense active OLR during this time interval. In the January-April(May-August) phase, MC convection is relatively weak(vigorous). The CLFO makes pronounced eastward displacement at tropics, with phase propagation seen longitudinally, too. There occur low-frequency disturbance circulations similar to the EAP wavetrain or P-J teleconnection,starting from the MC via the South China Sea and the Philippines to the Yangtze valley of China. At different phases,the variation in the low-frequency circulations and heating fields shows that the rainfall disturbance in eastern China is likely to be under possible effects of the CLFO from the MC in April-September, and the low-frequency heating variation exhibits a meridional pattern as an EAP wavetrain or P-J teleconnection. As the OLR CLFO is in a peak(valley)phase the low-level divergence or convergence with the reversal at high levels over the MC is related to relatively feeble(robust) low frequency convection, thereby exciting an EAP or P-J wavetrain from the MC to the Sea of Japan. At the higher levels, the South-Asian high is eastward(westward) of normal due to effects of low-frequency cyclones(anticyclones), resulting in less(more) rainfall in the Jiangnan(areas in the middle and lower reaches of Yangtze and to the south of the river) and Hetao(the Great Bend of Yellow River) areas, and i
Two Opposite Extreme Events in Seasonal Mean Winter Rainfall over East China during the Past Three Decades被引量:2
In this study,the extremes of winter seasonal mean precipitation have been investigated by using daily precipitation data from 91 stations in East China,the National Centers for Environmental Prediction/the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCEP/NCAR) monthly reanalysis,and sea surface temperature data from the Hadley Centre for 1979-2007.The largest anomalous rainfall amount was observed in regions south of the Yangtze River.In the most recent three decades,extreme events in the seasonal mean winter precipitation occurred in 1985 and 1997.Because it was influenced mainly by a La Ni(n)a event,the precipitation in 1985 showed a deficit following a stronger winter monsoon.The rainfall amount in 1997 was influenced by E1 Ni(n)o and was significantly larger than normal with a weaker winter monsoon.Both the circulation anomalies and wave energy dispersions during the winters of 1985 and 1997 differed significantly.In 1985,the North Atlantic Oscillation anomalously excited the Eurasian-Pacific teleconnection and circumglobal teleconnection phenomena.Consequently,Rossby wave energy propagated along the north and south branches of the westerlies,strengthening the East Asian trough along with a stronger winter monsoon,which facilitated the wintertime dry extreme in East China.In 1997,however,Rossby wave energy propagated from low latitudes northeastward into the southern part of China,resulting in a weaker winter monsoon and the wettest winter.The results of this study will be helpful for future monitoring and prediction of extreme winter rainfall events in East China.
GUAN Zhao-YongJIN Da-Chao
Interdecadal Change in the Eurasia–Pacific Anti-Phase Relation of Atmospheric Mass and Its Possible Link with PDO被引量:1
Based on the known climatic shift that occurred in 1976, we divide the present study period into two epochs: epoch-I, for 1958 1976; and epoch-II, for 1977-2002. Using ERA-40 and the 20th century reanalysis data, we in- vestigate the interdecadal change in the Eurasia-Pacific anti-phase relation (EPAR) pattern of atmospheric mass (AM) during boreal winter before and after 1976. It is found that anomalous AM over lands is highly and negatively correlated with anomalous AM over oceans in the Northern Hemisphere during the winter season. This correlation does not change much from epoch-I to epoch-II. However, the correlation pattern of surface air pressure anomalies with variations of anomalous AM over lands changes remarkably from epoch-I to epoch-lI; the EPAR pattern emerges evidently in the later period, whereas it is not significant in epoch-I. The occurrence of the EPAR pattern in epoch-II may be attributable to the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO). The PDO may modulate the EPAR pattern in two ways. Firstly, the interdecadal component of the PDO as a background may modulate the intensities of the Aleut- ian low, East Asian trough, and westerly flow, acting as a waveguide during the warm phase (epoch-Ⅱ) of the PDO. Secondly, the interannual variations of sea surface temperature anomalies in the North Pacific, in association with the PDO, may affect the interannual variations of AM, which facilitates the existence of the EPAR pattern in epoch-Ⅱ only. With the teleconnection pattern having changed before and after 1976, winter climate anomalies, including rain- fall and temperature, are found to be different in many regions in the Northern Hemisphere between epoch-I and epoch-Ⅱ. All the results of the present work are meaningful for a better understanding of climate anomalies during boreal winter.
Qian ZHANGZhaoyong GUAN
通过构建海陆间大气质量迁移(MAMLO,Migration of Atmospheric Mass over regions between Lands and Oceans)指数,对北半球夏季亚洲—北太平洋上空大气质量的迁移规律及其与气候异常的联系进行了研究。结果表明:在北半球中高纬亚洲大陆和中低纬北太平洋上空异常大气质量呈现反相变化。夏季MAMLO指数总体呈缓慢下降的趋势,同时还具有准3 a振荡周期以及显著的年代际变化特征。亚洲大陆中高纬地表气压变化与北太平洋低纬气压变化的反相关关系主要归因于:异常大气质量环流;海陆异常加热对比;Rossby波能传播。MAMLO与欧亚、太平洋地区夏季气候异常关系密切,尤其在中国地区。MAMLO为正(负)时,中国大体呈现出北方降水偏多(偏少)南方降水偏少(偏多)、北方偏冷(偏暖)南方偏暖(偏冷)的空间分布。
The relationships of variations of sea surface temperature anomalies (SSTA) in the South Pacificwith ENSO and Southern Hemisphere Annular Mode (SAM) are examined in the present article byemploying the NCEP-NCAR reanalysis from 1951 to 2006. Two principal modes of South Pacific SSTA areobtained using the EOF (Empirical Orthogonal Function) analysis for austral winter (June, July and August).Our results suggest that EOF1 is closely related with ENSO and EOF2 links to SAM. The EOF1 varieslargely on an interannual and EOF2 on a decadal scale. The time series of coefficients of EOF1 is highlycorrelated simultaneously with Nino3 index. However, the time series of coefficients of EOF2 issignificantly correlated with the March-April-May mean SAM index. Both the EOF1 and EOF2 are found insignificant correlation to summer precipitation over China. With higher-than-normal SSTs in the easternSouth Pacific and simultaneously lower SSTs in the western South Pacific in June-July-August, thesummertime rainfall is found to be less than normal in northern China. As displayed in EOF2 of SSTA, inyears with lower-than-normal SSTs in mid-latitude southern and equatorial eastern Pacific andhigher-than-normal SSTs in the equatorial middle Pacific in March-April-May, the summer precipitation inAugust tends to be more than normal in regions south of Yangtze River.
利用美国国家环境预报中心/大气研究中心(NCEP/NCAR)再分析资料以及中国气象局整编的160站逐月降水和气温资料,定义了一个北半球冬季500 hPa东亚大槽强度指数(I_(EAT)),分析了该指数所反映的冬季东亚大槽强度的年际变化规律及其与同期中国冬季降水、气温的关系。结果表明:I_(EAT)反映了对流层中层冬季亚洲大陆高压脊与西北太平洋上空的低压槽系统的平均经向风强度,且能够较好地反映冬季东亚大槽的强度。东亚大槽的强度在20世纪80年代之前相对较弱,并存在2-3年和准4年的变化周期。冬季东亚大槽强弱变化可能与源自地中海地区的罗斯贝波动能量沿亚洲急流东传有关,且这种西风带中的扰动具有准正压结构。I_(EAT)与青藏高原以东地区的冬季降水和气温相关显著。当I_(EAT)正(负),东亚大槽偏强(弱),对应着中国华中地区以及华东大部分地区冬季总降水量偏少(多),且华中地区冬季平均气温偏高(低)。进一步研究发现,在东亚大槽偏强年,华中地区冬季平均气温异常升高主要是由于异常非绝热加热和下沉运动导致的异常动力增温所致。这些研究结果有助于更好地理解由于东亚大槽强度的变化而导致的中国冬季气候变化特征及其原因。
The seasonal cycle of redistribution of atmospheric mass between continent and ocean in the Northern Hemisphere被引量:3
Using NCEP/NCAR and ERA-40 reanalyses,we studied the seasonal cycle of redistribution of air mass between continents and oceans over the Northern Hemisphere.Our results demonstrate that air mass in the Northern Hemisphere shifts clearly between continents and oceans when the season cycles.In July,the air mass reaches its lowest over Eurasia and its highest over the Pacific,and the opposite occurs in January.However,a different scenario is observed over the north Atlantic;the accumulated air mass reaches its maximum there in May.The maintenance of the accumulation or loss of air mass in a region is found to be related to the areal mean air mass flux divergence and the difference between precipitation and evaporation in an air column.The zonal-vertical circulations change with season,with the air ascent and decent reversed between land and sea.Besides,there also exists a noticeable difference of water vapor content of the air between continents and oceans,and this difference is season-dependent.Physically,the vapor content is able to significantly affect the atmosphere in absorbing solar short-and earth’s long-wave radiations,hence influencing atmospheric thermal conditions.The land-sea thermal contrasts inclusive of the diabatic heating rate changes their signs with season going on,resulting in the reversal of orientations of the temperature gradient.These thermal forcings not only facilitate the formation of the monsoons but also indirectly induce the seasonal cycle of the air mass exchanging over regions between continents and oceans.
HU ChaoGUAN ZhaoYongLI MingGang