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9 条 记 录,以下是 1-9
Characterization of the promoter of phosphate transporter TaPHT1.2 differentially expressed in wheat varieties被引量:9
TaPHT1.2 is a functional, root predominantly expressed and low phosphate (Pi) inducible high-affinity Pi transporter in wheat, which is more abundant in the roots of P-efficient wheat genotypes (e.g., Xiaoyan 54) than in P-inefficient genotypes (e.g., Jing 411) under both Pi-deficient and Pi-sufficient conditions. To characterize TaPHT1.2 further, we genetically mapped a TaPHT1.2 transporter, TaPHT1.2-D1, on the long arm of chromosome 4D using a recombinant inbred line population derived from Xiaoyan 54 and Jing 411, and isolated a 1,302 bp fragment of the TaPHT1.2-D1 promoter (PrTaPHT1.2-D1) from Xiaoyan 54. TaPHT1.2-D1 shows collinearity with OsPHT1.2 that has previously been reported to mediate the translocation of Pi from roots to shoots. PrTaPHT1.2-D contains a number of Pi-starvation responsive elements, including P1BS, WRKY-binding W-box, and helix-loop-helix-binding elements. PrTaPHT1.2-D1 was then used to drive expression of 13-glucuronidase (GUS) reporter gene in Arabidopsis through Agrobacterium-mediated transformation. Histochemical analysis of transgenic Arabidopsis plants showed that the reporter gene was specifically induced by Pi-starvation and predominantly expressed in the roots. As there is only one SNP between the TaPHT1.2-D1 promoters of Xiaoyan 54 and Jing 411, and this SNP does not exist within the Pi-starvation responsive elements, the differential expression of TaPHT1.2 in Xiaoyan 54 and Jing 411 may not be caused by this SNP.
Jun MiaoJinghan SunDongcheng LiuBin LiAimin ZhangZhensheng LiYiping Tong
Molecular and Functional Characterization of Sphingosine-1-Phosphate Lyase Homolog from Higher Plants被引量:3
Sphingosine-1-phosphate lyase (SPL) is involved in degrading the conserved sphingolipid signaling molecule sphingosine-1-phosphate. However, molecular studies on plant SPL have not been reported to date. Here, we present bioinformatic, molecular and functional analyses of putative SPL proteins from Arabidopsis thaliana and rice (designated as AtSPL and OsSPL, respectively). Amino acid sequence comparison revealed that plant SPL contalned the pyridoxal-dependent decarboxylase domain and the conserved residue that may be involved in substrate catalysis. When expressed in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, AtSPL and OsSPL corrected the hypersensitive phenotype of the yeast dpl1 deletion strain, which is deficient in endogenous SPL activity, to exogenous supplied sphingolipid long chain bases (LCBs), suggesting that plant SPL protein is functional In vivo in degrading phosphorylated LCBs. In Arabidopsis, AtSPL transcripts were detected in roots, stems, leaves, flowers and siliques. In pAtSPL-AtSPL∷GUS transgenic lines, the AtSPL∷GUS fusion protein was found in a variety of vegetative and reproductive tissues. AtSPL expression level was dynamically regulated during leaf development and senescence, and was steadily and significantly increased in Arabidopsis seedlings treated with the cell death-inducing fungal toxin fumonisin B1. The potential function of SPL in Arabidopsis is discussed.
Yan NiuKunling ChenJizhou WangXin LiuHuanju QinAimin ZhangDaowen Wang
Gene Structure and Expression of the High-affinity Nitrate Transport System in Rice Roots被引量:19
Rice has a preference for uptake of ammonium over nitrate and can use ammonium-N efficiently. Consequently, transporters mediating ammonium uptake have been extensively studied, but nitrate transporters have been largely ignored. Recently, some reports have shown that rice also has high capacity to acquire nitrate from growth medium, so understanding the nitrate transport system in rice roots is very important for improving N use efficiency in rice. The present study Identified four putative NRT2 and two putative NAR2 genes that encode components of the high-affinity nitrate transport system (HATS) in the rice (Oryza sativa L. subsp, japonica cv. Nipponbare) genome. OsNRT2.1 and OsNRT2.2 share an Identical coding region sequence, and their deduced proteins are closely related to those from mono-cotyledonous plants. The two NAR2 proteins are closely related to those from mono-cotyledonous plants as well. However, OsNRT2.3 and OsNRT2.4 are more closely related to Arabidopsis NRT2 proteins. Relative quantitative reverse trsnscription-polymerase chain reaction analysis showed that all of the six genes were rapidly upregulated and then downrsgulated in the roots of N-starved rice plants after they were re-supplied with 0.2 mM nitrate, but the response to nitrate differed among gene members. The results from phylogenetic tree, gene structure and expression analysis implied the divergent roles for the Individual members of the rice NRT2 and NAR2 families. High-affinity nitrate influx rates associated with nitrate induction in rice roots were investigated and were found to be regulated by external pH. Compared with the nitrate influx rates at pH 6.5, alkaline pH (pH 8.0) inhibited nitrate influx, and acidic pH (pH 5.0) enhanced the nitrate influx in 1 h nitrate induced roots, but did not significantly affect that in 4 to 8 h nitrate induced roots.
Chao CaiJun-Yi WangYong-Guan ZhuQi-Rong ShenBin LiYi-Ping TongZhen-Sheng Li
Transgenic expression of MYB15 confers enhanced sensitivity to abscisic acid and improved drought tolerance in Arabidopsis thaliana被引量:46
Abiotic stresses cause serious crop losses. Knowledge on genes functioning in plant responses to adverse growth conditions is essential for developing stress tolerant crops. Here we report that transgenic expression of MYB15, encoding a R2R3 MYB transcription factor in Arabidopsis thaliana, conferred hypersensitivity to exogenous abscisic acid (ABA) and improved tolerance to drought and salt stresses. The promoter of MYB15 was active in not only vegetative and reproductive organs but also the guard cells of stomata. Its transcript level was substantially upregulated by ABA, drought or salt treatments. Compared with wild type (WT) control, MYB15 overexpression lines were hypersensitive to ABA in germination assays, more susceptible to ABA-elicited inhibition of root elongation, and more sensitive to ABA-induced stomatal closure. In line with the above findings, the transcript levels of ABA biosynthesis (ABA1, ABA2), signaling (AB13) and responsive genes (AtADH1, RD22, RD29B, AtEM6) were generally higher in MYB15 overexpression seedlings than in WT controls after treatment with ABA. MYB15 overexpression lines displayed improved survival and reduced water loss rates than WT control under water deficiency conditions. These overexpression lines also displayed higher tolerance to NaCI stress. Collectively, our data suggest that overexpression of MYB15 improves drought and salt tolerance in Arabidopsis possibly by enhancing the expression levels of the genes involved in ABA biosynthesis and signaling, and those encoding the stress-protective proteins.
Zhenhua DingShiming LiXueli AnXin LiuHuanju QinDaowen Wang
Overexpressing HRS1 Confers Hypersensitivity to Low Phosphate-Elicited Inhibition of Primary Root Growth in Arabidopsis thaliana被引量:3
Phosphate (Pi) deficiency causes dramatic root system architecture (RSA) changes in higher plants. Here we report that overexpression of HRS1 leads to enhanced sensitivity to low Pi-elicited inhibition of primary root growth in Arabidopsis thaliana seedlings. Bioinformatic investigations uncovered that HRS1 and its six homologs encode putative G2-like transcription factors in Arabidopsis. Analysis of promoter::GUS reporter lines revealed that HRS1 transcripts were present mainly in the root hair region and root hair cells under Pi-sufficient conditions. Pi deprivation increased HRS1 expression level and expanded its expression domain. Although HRS1 knockout mutant did not differ from wild type (WT) control irrespective of Pi status, its overexpression lines were significantly more susceptible to low Pi-elicited primary root shortening. In both WT and HRS1 overexpression seedlings, low Pi-induced primary root shortening was accompanied by enhanced root hair cell differentiation, but this enhancement occurred to a greater extent in the latter genotype. Collectively, our data suggest that HRS1 may be involved in the modulation of primary root and root hair growth in Pi-deprived Arabidopsis seedlings, and provide useful clues for further research into the function of HRS1 and its homologs and the mechanisms behind RSA changes under Pi-deficient conditions.
Hong LiuHuixia YangChongming WuJuanjuan FengXin LiuHuanju QinDaowen Wang
Regulation of the High-Affinity Nitrate Transport System in Wheat Roots by Exogenous Abscisic Acid and Glutamine被引量:5
Nitrate is a major nitrogen (N) source for most crops. Nitrate uptake by root cells is a key step of nitrogen metabolism and has been widely studied at the physiological and molecular levels. Understanding how nitrate uptake is regulated will help us engineer crops with improved nitrate uptake efficiency. The present study investigated the regulation of the high-affinity nitrate transport system (HATS) by exogenous abscisic acid (ABA) and glutamine (Gin) in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) roots. Wheat seedlings grown in nutrient solution containing 2 mmol/L nitrate as the only nitrogen source for 2weeks were deprived of N for 4d and were then transferred to nutrient solution containing 50 μmol/L ABA, and 1 mmol/L Gin in the presence or absence of 2 mmol/L nitrate for 0, 0.5, 1, 2, 4, and 8 h. Treated wheat plants were then divided into two groups. One group of plants was used to investigate the mRNA levels of the HATS components NRT2 and NAR2 genes in roots through semi-quantitative RT-PCR approach, and the other set of plants were used to measure high-affinity nitrate influx rates in a nutrient solution containing 0.2 mmol/L ^15N-labeled nitrate. The results showed that exogenous ABA induced the expression of the TaNRT2.1, TaNRT2.2, TaNRT2.3, TaNAR2.1, and TaNAR2.2 genes in roots when nitrate was not present in the nutrient solution, but did not further enhance the induction of these genes by nitrate. Glutamine, which has been shown to inhibit the expression of NRT2 genes when nitrate is present in the growth media, did not inhibit this induction. When Gin was supplied to a nitrate-free nutrient solution, the expression of these five genes in roots was induced. These results imply that the inhibition by Gin of NRT2 expression occurs only when nitrate is present in the growth media. Although exogenous ABA and Gin induced HATS genes in the roots of wheat, they did not induce nitrate influx.
Chao CaiXue-Qiang ZhaoYong-Guan ZhuBin LiYi-Ping TongZhen-Sheng Li
The contribution of distant hybridization with decaploid Agropyron elongatum to wheat improvement in China被引量:29
Wheat is a staple food crop in the world as well as in China. Because of the progress of wheat breeding and other agricultural "sci-technologies, the wheat grain yield per unit area has increased more than five folds from 1952 to 2006 in China. The first part of this article briefly reviews the history of wheat breeding in China. Second, the establishment of "Triticum aestivum-Agropyron" distant hybridization system and its contribution to wheat production and breeding in China are summarized. Finally, the future challenges of wheat breeding are discussed, which include how to increase the utilization efficiencies of water, soil nutrient and light energy through breeding. As an example, our research progress on how to increase light use efficiency in wheat through breeding is introduced and discussed.
Zhensheng Li Bin Li Yiping Tong