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6 条 记 录,以下是 1-6
Observatory science with eXTP被引量:1
In this White Paper we present the potential of the enhanced X-ray Timing and Polarimetry(eXTP) mission for studies related to Observatory Science targets. These include flaring stars, supernova remnants, accreting white dwarfs, low and high mass X-ray binaries, radio quiet and radio loud active galactic nuclei, tidal disruption events, and gamma-ray bursts. eXTP will be excellently suited to study one common aspect of these objects: their often transient nature. Developed by an international Consortium led by the Institute of High Energy Physics of the Chinese Academy of Science, the eXTP mission is expected to be launched in the mid 2020s.
Jean J.M.in 't ZandEnrico BozzoJinLu QuXiang-Dong LiLorenzo AmatiYang ChenImmacolata DonnarummaVictor DoroshenkoStephen A.DrakeMargarita HernanzPeter A.JenkeThomas J.MaccaroneSimin MahmoodifarDomitilla de MartinoAlessandra De RosaElena M.RossiAntonia RowlinsonGloria SalaGiulia StrattaThomas M.TaurisJoern WilmsXueFeng WuPing ZhouIván AgudoDiego AltamiranoJean-Luc AtteiaNils A.anderssonM.Cristina BaglioDavid R.BallantyneAltan BaykalEhud BeharTomaso BelloniSudip BhattacharyyaStefano BianchiAnna BilousPere BlayJoao BragaSφren BrandtEdward F.BrownNiccolo BucciantiniLuciano BurderiEdward M.CackettRiccardo CampanaSergio CampanaPiergiorgio CasellaYuri CavecchiFrank ChambersLiang ChenYu-Peng ChenJér?me ChenevezMaria ChernyakovaChiChuan JinRiccardo CiolfiElisa CostantiniAndrew CummingAntonino D'AìZi-Gao DaiFilippo D'AmmandoMassimiliano De PasqualeNathalie DegenaarMelania Del SantoValerio D'EliaTiziana Di SalvoGerry DoyleMaurizio FalangaXiLong FanRobert D.FerdmanMarco FerociFederico FraschettiDuncan K.GallowayAngelo F.GambinoPoshak GandhiMingYu GeBruce GendreRamandeep GillDiego G?tzChristian GouiffèsPaola GrandiJonathan GranotManuel GüdelAlexander HegerCraig O.HeinkeJeroen HomanRosario IariaKazushi IwasawaLuca IzzoLong JiPeter G.JonkerJordi JoséJelle S.KaastraEmrah KalemciOleg KargaltsevNobuyuki KawaiLaurens KeekStefanie KomossaIngo KreykenbohmLucien KuiperDevaky KunneriathGang LiEn-Wei LiangManuel LinaresFrancesco LongoFangJun LuAlexander A.LutovinovDenys MalyshevJulien MalzacAntonios Manous
Evaluation of dimension of fractal time series with the least square method被引量:2
Properties of fractional Brownian motions (fBms) have been investigated by researchers in different fields, e.g. statistics, hydrology, biology, finance, and public transportation, which has helped us better understand many complex time series observed in nature [1-4]. The Hurst exponent H (0 〈 H 〈 1) is the most important parameter characterizing any given time series F(t), where t represents the time steps, and the fractal dimension D is determined via the relation D = 2 - H.
BingQiang QiaoSiMing LiuHouDun ZengXiang LiBenZhong Dai
对宇宙线起源问题的探讨,正随着新一代地基和空间伽玛射线望远镜观测的开展而深化.作为普遍认为的能量在"膝"部以下宇宙线粒子主要加速场所的超新星遗迹,在Ge V–Te V能段探测到的样本在不断扩大,一些具有指示性意义的在流量、能谱方面的统计特征也得到显现.为证实作为宇宙线主体的相对论性质子能够由超新星遗迹的激波加速产生,对超新星遗迹的伽玛射线辐射的观测和理论研究,特别对于与分子云作用的超新星遗迹的强子作用伽玛射线辐射的研究,已取得较大的进展,其中W44,IC 443等遗迹在70 Me V附近?0介子衰变的特征性鼓包特别引人瞩目.对强子作用的辐射机制目前已可分为质子就地直接打击和逃逸扩散"照亮"分子云两大类.但对大样本超新星遗迹的伽玛射线辐射更系统的研究,包括对超新星遗迹的伽玛射线及多波段辐射谱进行合理模型计算、澄清这些遗迹所在星际环境中分子气体的分布情况,甚至基本地判明一些遗迹伽玛射线辐射轻强子作用属性等,都还有大量工作要做.本文将概述近年在以上相关各方面研究的进展情况.
The γ-ray emission produced by protons that escape from supernova remnant G349.7+0.2被引量:1
Abstract G349.7+0.2 is an interacting supernova remnant (SNR) expanding in a dense medium. Recently, a very strong γ-ray source coincident with this SNR has been revealed by Fermi-LAT and H.E.S.S. ob- servations which shows a broken power-law-like spectrum. An escaping-diffusion model, including the power-law and g-function injection, is applied to this source which can naturally explain the spectral fea- ture in both the GeV and TeV regime. We use the Markov Chain Monte Carlo method to constrain the model parameters and find that the correction factor of slow diffusion around this SNR, X-0.01 for power-law injection and X - 0.1 for g-function injection, can fit the data best with reasonable molecular cloud mass. This slow diffusion is also consistent with previous results from both phenomenological models and theoretical predication.
Xiao ZhangHui LiYang Chen
Insight-HXMT observations of the first binary neutron star merger GW170817被引量:19
Finding the electromagnetic (EM) counterpart of binary compact star merger, especially the binary neutron star (BNS) merger, is critically important for gravitational wave (GW) astronomy, cosmology and fundamental physics. On Aug. 17, 2017, Advanced LIGO and Fermi/GBM independently triggered the first BNS merger, GW170817, and its high energy EM counterpart, GRB 170817A, respectively, resulting in a global observation campaign covering gamma-ray, X-ray, UV, optical, IR, radio as well as neutrinos. The High Energy X-ray telescope (HE) onboard Insight-HXMT (Hard X-ray Modulation Telescope) is the unique high-energy gamma-ray telescope that monitored the entire GW localization area and especially the optical counterpart (SSS17a/AT2017gfo) with very large collection area (M000 cm2) and microsecond time resolution in 0.2-5 MeV. In addition, Insight-HXMT quickly implemented a Target of Opportunity (TOO) observation to scan the GW localization area for potential X-ray emission from the GW source. Although Insight-HXMT did not detect any significant high energy (0.2-5 MeV) radiation from GW170817, its observation helped to confirm the unexpected weak and soft nature of GRB 170817A. Meanwhile, Insight-HXMT/HE provides one of the most stringent constraints (-10-7 to 104 erg/cm2/s) for both GRB170817A and any other possible precursor or extended emissions in 0.2-5 MeV, which help us to better understand the properties of EM radiation from this BNS merger. Therefore the observation of Insight-HXMT constitutes an important chapter in the full context of multi-wavelength and multi-messenger observation of this historical GW event.
TiPei LiShaoLin XiongShuangNan ZhangFangJun LuLiMing SongXueLei CaoZhi ChangGang ChenLi ChenTianXiang ChenYong ChenYiBao ChenYuPeng ChenWei CuiWeiWei CuiJingKang DengYongWei DongYuanYuan DuMinXue FuGuanHua GaoHe GaoMin GaoMingYu GeYuDong GuJu GuanChengCheng GuoDaWei HanWei HuYue HuangJia HuoShuMei JiaLuHua JiangWeiChun JiangJing JinYongJie JinBing LiChengKui LiGang LiMaoShun LiWei LiXian LiXiaoBo LiXuFang LiYanGuo LiZiJian LiZhengWei LiXiaoHua LiangJinYuan LiaoCongZhan LiuGuoQing LiuHongWei LiuShaoZhen LiuXiaoJing LiuYuan LiuYiNong LiuBo LuXueFeng LuTao LuoXiang MaBin MengYi NangJianYin NieGe OUJinLu QuNa SaiLiang SunYin TanLian TaoWenHui TaoYouLi TuoGuoFeng WangHuanYu WangJuan WangWenShuai WangYuSa WangXiangYang WenBoBing WUMei WuGuangCheng XiaoHe XuYuPeng XuLinLi YanJiaWei YangSheng YangYanJi YangAiMei ZhangChunLei ZhangChengMo ZhangFan ZhangHongMei ZhangJuan ZhangQiang ZhangShu ZhangTong ZhangWei ZhangWanChang ZhangWenZhao ZhangYi ZhangYue ZhangYiFei ZhangYongJie ZhangZhao ZhangZiLiang ZhangHaiSheng ZhaoJianLing ZhaoXiaoFan ZhaoShiJie ZhengYue ZhuYuXuan ZhuChangLin Zou