During 2000-2013, totally ten high-amylose specific hybrid rice combinations approved and five combinations for production test were bred in Sichuan Province. In the paper, rice yield, economic traits, quality indicators and rice blast-resistance identification results of these 15 hybrid combinations were described and analyzed. Results show that Chuanxiangyou37 and Tianlongyou540 have relatively high amylose content, good yielding ability, high resistance and appropriate growth period, which are new hybrid rice varieties with organic combination of high amylase content, high gel consistency, high yield, stable yield and wide adaptability. Therefore, Chuanxiangyou37 and Tianlongyou540 are recommended as the main combination for rice production.
[Objective] The aim was to research and analyze characters and related correlation of indica hybrid rice containing high amylose. [Method] In the research, major characters of 16 species of groups of {ndica hybrid rice and the correlation were explored in rice belts in Sichuan in 2011. [Result] The variation of chalkiness degree was the highest at 26.8%, followed by rate of head rice at 22.89%; varia- tions of head rice rate and chalkiness degree were lower at 0.72% and 2.61%. In addition, rate of unpolished rice was of significantly negative correlation with chalki- ness degree; rate of chalky rice was of extremely positive correlation with chalkiness degree and gel consistency; chalkiness degree was of significantly positive correla- tion with gel consistency; gel consistency was of significantly negative correlation with protein content; amylose content was of insignificant correlation with gel consis- tency (r=0.166 9) of the 16 hybrid groups. These indicated that gel consistency would be still high as the content of amylose grows (AC≥25%). For example, when the content of anylose in Chuanxiang 29A/Luhui 37, Kangfeng AJ6684, and Lefeng A/SR536 exceeded 27%, the gel consistency was over 80 mm in the research. [Conclusion] The research provides references for improvement of amylose content in breeding hybrid rice.