The bivalved arthropod Branchiocaris? yunnanensis Hou, 1987 is redescribed on the basis of new fossil material from the early Cambrian Chengjiang biota, South China. In total, 81 specimens have been examined. The carapace comprises two identical valves, each valve are sub-circular in outline, ranging from 24 mm to 58 mm in length, and from 15 mm to 46 mm in height. The dorsal margin is straight and bears two short cardinal spines. The valve surface is either smooth or ornamented with polygonal reticular structures, which may result from different preservation conditions. Two morphotypes have been recognized based on the presence or absence of a subdorsal swelling of the valve, which is convex dorsolaterally and extends beyond the dorsal margin when it appears. Statistic and ontogenetic analyses show both morphotypes grow isometrically and have the same growth trajectory. Therefore, the two morphotypes are interpreted as dimorphism within the same species. Our results are helpful for investigating the taxonomy and ontogeny of arthropod fossils and suggest that dimorphism might be fairly common in these early arthropods.
WU YuFU DongjingZHANG XingliangAllison C. DALEYSHU Degan
对云南晋宁梅树村剖面下寒武统黑林铺组(原筇竹寺组)玉案山段的蠕形动物化石Sabellidites yunnanensis Luo et Zhang,S.badaowanensis Luo et Zhang的模式标本进行重新研究,通过虫体躯干表皮骨板的排列方式与产于同一剖面相同层位的古蠕虫Mafangscolex sinensis Hu 2005以及Palaeoscolex sinensis Hou et Sun躯干体环上骨板排列方式进行对比,认为前3个种躯干表面骨板的排列方式完全相同,即每一体环均有5横排骨板,但与中华古蠕虫(Palaeoscolex sinensis)每一体环只有4横排大骨板的特征不相吻合。建议采用Mafangscolex yunnanensis作为前3者的属种名称,并以最早发表的Sabellidites yunnanensis Luo et Zhang作为该属的模式种。