Geographic Hypermedia(GH)is a rich and interactive map document with geo-tagged graphics,sound and video ele-ments.A Geographic Hypermedia System(GHS)is designed to manage,query,display and explore GH resources.Recognizing emerging geo-tagged videos and measurable images as valuable geographic data resources,this paper aims to design a web-based GHS using web mapping,geoprocessing,video streaming and XMLHTTP services.The concept,data model,system design and implementation of this GHS are discussed in detail.Geo-tagged videos are modeled as temporal,spatial and metadata entities such as video clip,video path and frame-based descriptions.Similarly,geo-tagged stereo video and derived data are modeled as interre-lated entities:original video,rectified video,stereo video,video path,frame-based description and measurable image(rectified and disparity image with baseline,interior and exterior parameters).The entity data are organized into video files,GIS layers with linear referencing and XML documents for web publishing.These data can be integrated in HTML pages or used as Rich Internet Appli-cations(RIA)using standard web technologies such as the AJAX,ASP.NET and RIA frameworks.An SOA-based GHS is designed using four types of web services:ArcGIS Server 9.3 web mapping and geoprocessing services,Flash FMS 3.0 video streaming ser-vices and GeoRSS XMLHTTP services.GHS applications in road facility management and campus hypermapping indicate that the GH data models and technical solutions introduced in this paper are useful and flexible enough for wider deployment as a GHS.
讨论地理视频的基本概念和数据模型,尝试提出地理视频数据的实体—关系图,并在网络环境中进行地理视频应用开发。地理视频数据模型的核心要素是:对视频帧进行位置和语义描述,建立视频片段的轨迹图层和元数据,并在轨迹图层中扩充视频帧线性参照。通过空间参照、线性参照和语义参照将视频数据与地理数据集成,实现地理视频的查询、检索、播放和地图跟踪。以河南大学校园和开封市公路网络为例,采集地理视频数据,建立地理视频数据库,发布网络地图和视频服务,并分别采用最新的Adobe Flex框架、ArcGIS Server ADF和JavaScript Mashup方式,开发网络视频GIS应用系统。原型系统开发表明,地理视频数据模型适用于网络视频GIS开发,且在技术实现上较为简单。